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嘉峪检测网        2018-07-12 14:00


  • 依据一个假定的实验室错误判定OOS结果无效

  • 滥用离群值检验判定另一个OOS结果无效

  • 利用另一份样品而不是相同样品的检验结果来判定初始OOS结果无效

  • OOS根本原因没有确凿证据予以论证

  • 回复缺陷时表示玻璃器皿中存在清洗剂残留会导致API降解,但是没有提供数据支持。

  • 发现严重的色谱系统数据完整性问题数据删除试验性进样未激活审计追踪、积分不规范系统适应性非连续进样重复进样

  • 2015年对色谱系统数据完整性进行自查,发现数据删除试验性进样未激活审计追踪等问题,但是没有将审查范围进一步扩大。数据完整性纠正预防措施也无法避免类似问题再次发生,检查发现几个月后仍有数据删除问题出现

  • 后来扩大数据完整性自查范围发现积分不规范系统适应性非连续进样重复进样等问题,没能评估检验结果的有效性。

  • 没能评估数据完整性违规的根本原因

  • 车间清洁消毒记录存在电子数据,这些电子数据被覆盖,只保留了粗略的书面记录

  • 在线粒子系统审计追踪功能没有被激活(只关闭了两天都能被发现!)

  • 擅自修改在线粒子数据,没有写明是谁修改和修改了什么

  • 无菌操作不规范(FDA要求给出QA监督的频率




1.      Failure to adequately investigate and document out-of-specification results according to a procedure.



Our review of your out-of-specification (OOS) investigations found that you lacked adequate procedures for investigating, and scientific justification to invalidate, OOS results.



OOS Results for Assay



You initiated an investigation of an initial OOS assay result for (b)(4) batch (b)(4), which was found to be significantly below specification ((b)(4)–(b)(4)%). You also initiated an investigation of an initial OOS assay result for (b)(4) batch (b)(4), which also yielded a test result below specification ((b)(4)–(b)(4)%).

你们对XX批次XX产品发起了一份含量严重低于标准的OOS结果调查。 你们还发起对(b)(4)批次(b)(4)产品的初始OOS结果的调查,其也产生低于标准((b)(4) - (b)(4)%)的测试结果。


In both cases, your brief investigations found no anomalies and only stated that it was possible that the sample glassware was not thoroughly cleaned. Although you did not identify a laboratory error and lacked scientific justification, you invalidated the OOS results. Your firm released both batches based on passing retests.



Your acceptance of the passing results based on an assumed laboratory error was insufficient to invalidate the original failing result and conclude the investigation.



Re-analysis of the actual solutions, test units, and glassware is an integral part of an investigation to determine whether a laboratory error may have occurred. This assessment, in tandem with hypothesis testing if initial re-examinations do not reveal a root cause, is instrumental in determining whether there was a causative laboratory error. Whenever a laboratory investigation lacks conclusive evidence of laboratory error, it is essential that the investigation extends to a thorough investigation of potential manufacturing causes.



Your response acknowledged that there was “no scientific justification or studies performed to evaluate or prove this hypothetical root cause.”



Since our inspection, your indicated that you have shown that the API may degrade in the presence of residual detergent in glassware. However, your response did not include your study data.



OOS Results for Residual Solvent



You initiated investigation P201611001 for an initial OOS result of (b)(4) parts per million (ppm) in your (b)(4)residual solvent test (specification: not more than (b)(4) ppm) for (b)(4) API batch (b)(4). The investigation did not reveal laboratory testing anomalies. You tested another sample preparation three times and obtained results very close to the specification upper limit ((b)(4), and (b)(4) ppm). You invalidated the initial failing result, stating that your statistical analysis showed a significant difference between the original value and the retest results. Your investigation lacked further assessment of the root cause of the failing result.



You released the batch to use as an intermediate in your in-house production of (b)(4) batches of (b)(4) API (batches (b)(4)).



It is not appropriate to use an “outlier test” to invalidate your API test results. Such statistical treatments do not identify the cause of an extreme observation and are only of informational use. In this case, your investigation included multiple retests that were near the upper limit of (b)(4) ppm, similar to the original OOS result.



Furthermore, your OOS investigation procedure, Q0100012.001, was inadequate because it did not adequately address the need to retest the original sample and specify when a new sample should be tested.



We acknowledge receipt of your revised OOS investigation procedure. However, your response is inadequate because it does not meet CGMP. Your response stated that you can use an outlier test in determining whether to “waive the requirement for conducting appropriate laboratory investigation to determine definitive or potential root cause(s) for the atypical result(s).” It is inappropriate for your procedure to permit waiver of this requirement. Your OOS procedure should specify that outlier tests cannot be used for anything other than auxiliary, informational purposes.



Your response also indicated that your firm was retrospectively assessing effects of previously-reported OOS results on your products. However, your response did not provide related records to document your review or summarize findings. It is unclear whether the retrospective review included an evaluation of your use of the statistical outlier test to invalidate OOS results.



2.      Failure of your quality unit to ensure that critical deviations are investigated and resolved.



You did not adequately investigate findings from your February 2015 retrospective review of analytical chromatography data irregularities (e.g., data deletion, sample trial injections, and missing audit trails). You did not sufficiently expand the scope of your limited review to a larger data set when you found significant data integrity lapses. Your investigation was also insufficient because your corrective actions failed to prevent recurrence of major data integrity deviations. For example, our investigators found that your firm deleted the initial chromatographic injection of (b)(4) API, batch (b)(4), during batch release testing performed several months after the retrospective investigation.



Your response stated that you performed a further retrospective review (protocol SD-Q0100011.000) of analytical chromatographic data and found further residual solvents results with inappropriate integration, system suitability testing data showing non-consecutive injections of the reference solution, and repeat injections. Your response was inadequate because you did not include sufficient details to demonstrate that you confirmed the validity of initial test results. Such detail would include retest sample testing dates and results, comparison of retest data to original data, and your “comprehensive review records” for the batches included in the assessment. Your response also lacked an assessment of the root cause of data integrity breaches and corrective actions for any products that failed to meet specifications.



Additional Concerns Related to Aseptic Processing



Our investigators found additional examples of incomplete data relating to the sterile manufacturing operations evaluated as part of our pre-approval inspection. For instance, your firm failed to maintain electronic data documenting decontamination cycles for the grade A area of workshop (b)(4) where you aseptically manufacture sterile powders. Your firm overwrote the electronic data and kept only a cursory written record.



You also did not assure reliability of electronic data for monitoring non-viable particles in your manufacturing areas. Our investigators observed that you disabled the electronic audit trail function for your non-viable particle monitoring system for grade A and B areas of workshops (b)(4) and (b)(4) on at least two days in August 2017 when sterile API was manufactured. Also, data files containing particle counts had been modified with no indication of who made the changes or what was modified.

你们还未能确保用于监测生产区域在线粒子的电子数据的可靠性。我们的调查人员发现, 2017年8月至少有两天你们的(b)(4)和(b)(4)区域在线粒子监测系统的电子审计跟踪功能是关闭的,此时仍有无菌API在生产。此外,修改了包含粒子计数的数据文件,但没有写明谁进行了修改和修改了什么。


In your response, you provided a review of these findings. Your firm committed to assess the effects on your products of any additional insufficient non-viable particulate monitoring records since the last FDA inspection in March 2015. Your response was inadequate because you did not provide sufficient data to support your conclusions, or commit to a more comprehensive CAPA to assess data systems integrity.



Our inspection also revealed poor aseptic processing operation behaviors. In response to this letter, provide:



Your plan to assure appropriate aseptic practices and cleanroom behavior during production. Include specific steps to ensure routine supervisory oversight for all production batches. Also describe the frequency of quality assurance oversight during aseptic processing and other operations.



Comprehensive identification of all contamination hazards with respect to your aseptic processes, equipment, and facilities. Provide a risk assessment that covers all human interactions with the ISO 5 area, equipment placement and ergonomics, air quality in the ISO 5 area and surrounding room, facility layout, personnel flow, and material flow. Also include a detailed CAPA plan, with timelines, to address the findings of the contamination hazards risk assessment. 

全面识别与无菌工艺,设备和设施相关的所有污染危害。提供风险评估,涵盖所有人员对ISO 5区域(A级)的干扰,设备装配和人体工程学,ISO 5区域和周围房间的空气质量,设施布局,人流和物流。同时,给出详细的CAPA计划,包括时间表,以解决污染危害风险评估的结果。

