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嘉峪检测网 2022-01-18 12:44
* 随着欧盟 (EU) 2019/320 决议强制实施日期(2022年3月17日)的临近,智能手机进入欧盟市场,必须支持获得紧急服务的功能。
众所周知,无线产品出口欧盟,必须满足RED指令2014/53/EU要求,即Article 3 整个章节, 包含:
1. Article 3.1(a): Safety, SAR
2. Article 3.1(b): EMC
3. Article 3.2: RF
4. Article 3.3(a....i)
Article 3.3章节列出相关要求, 但一直未有相对应的具体法规,所以Article 3.3章节一直未作要求,而即将执行的法规(EU)2019/320就是属于Article 3.3(g)的要求。
部分无线产品生产商较早的将此功能纳入了产品设计,比如谷歌2016年已经在 Android 系统中加入了对此功能的支持,苹果也在 iPhone 设备的 iOS 13.3 正式版中为德国地区的用户提供了 AML 高级定位功能。
Article 3.3(g)原文:
(EU)2019/320 法规相关要求解读:
1、补充 RED Article 3.3 (g) 项。
Supplementing of RED Directive 2014/53/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to the application of the essential requirements referred to in Article 3(3)(g) of that Directive in order to ensure caller location in emergency communications from mobile devices.
The essential requirements set out in Article 3(3)(g) of Directive 2014/53/EU shall apply to hand-held mobile telephones with features similar to those of a computer in terms of capability to treat and store data.
3、要求产品符合 Wi-Fi 和 Galileo 标准,并支持向紧急服务传输数据的功能。
Compliance with paragraph 1 shall be ensured through technical solutions for the reception and processing of Wi-Fi data, data from Global Navigation Satellite Systems compatible and interoperable with at least the Galileo system referred to in Regulation (EU) No 1285/2013, and for the making available of that data for transmission in emergency communications.
This Regulation shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union. It shall apply from 17 March 2022.