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2021年5月美国PDA更新技术报告TR 86,此前,TR27是PDA在1998年4月发布的,距今已有20多年时间,在这20多年的时间中,随着CCIT应用实践的深入和CCIT技术的升级换代,国际上对CCIT有了新的认识。基于这些新的认识、新的技术和实践总结,PDA整理了一份长达57页的技术报告TR 86。







Additional Considerations for Package Integrity Profiling


A robust package integrity profile for a given product-package system considers factors experienced throughout the product’s lifecycle as required by USP <1207>. As such, a package integrity profile must consider anticipated or experienced stresses, including those resulting from transportation and distribution. Such stresses may include shock, vibration, compression, tempera-ture, pressure, and general package storage environment.




Transportation and Distribution


A package integrity profile is unique to each product-package system, a concept that also applies to storage and distribution considerations. The types of stresses experienced in these lifecycle phases vary widely with dosage form, pack-out configuration, product require-ments, and distribution chain. Additiona-lly, the impact of any single stress factor, such as a temperature excursion, can vary with respect to product. An excursion critical to one product may be insubstantial to the quality of another.


Given the potential impact to product quality and sterility, appropriate chall-enges and assessments should be made to ensure that product quality is not affected during the transportation and distribution circuit. The types of challenge conditions and subsequent assessments performed, however, reflect the properly assessed risks for the system in question.


As the intent of this report is to focus on package integrity, only those distribu-tion challenges impacting integrity are discussed here. Transportation and distribution challenges are not limited solely to integrity of the package, however. A fully integral package containing a proteinaceous product may experience vibration and shock that does not lead to integrity failure but, for example, may cause aggregation of protein. Thus, in addition to post-challenge CCIT, other assessments may be necessary to evaluate the impact of distribution on overall product quality.




Physical Stressors

Perhaps the most obvious challenges experienced during distribution are physical stresses such as shock, vibration, and compression. Often, these types of events result in gross leakage, for instance, a vial shattering. This type of gross defect is easily detected and generally prevents final use of the product. The formation of cracks, checks, chips, and other small defects, however, may result in leakage that negatively impacts product quality but is not readily detectable by the end user. Thus, these types of defects present a more latent and use-specific risk. Furthermore, such types of defects may result in more serious integrity concerns further along in the distribution chain, as a check may develop into a crack, or a crack may widen and permit liquid loss or microbial ingress.


Consequently, to evaluate and reduce risk associated with a shipment, not only the primary package, but the secondary and tertiary packaging should be considered. Numerous standards are available from such organizations as ASTM and the International Safe Transit Association (ISTA) to reliably and reproducibly subject package systems to physical stresses that replicate a variety of distribution chains, including via truck, rail, air, sea, or others.





In cases where a low-pressure environ-ment could present challenges to the package and product it contains, evaluation of the pressure differentials in a distribution chain could be critical. This is particularly relevant in cases of air shipment, where product may be stored in cargo areas with partial to nonexistent pressurization that, if left unevaluated, may result in unintended consequences. The ability of a sealed flexible container to resist creep or burst during air shipment is an example of risk that should be characterized.


Another example, one discussed with increasing frequency as the prevalence of prefilled syringes and prefilled syringe-based devices expands, is the concept of plunger movement. Although the degree to which plunger movement occurs is impacted by fill level, headspace volume, general package design, and pressure differentials experienced, how a low-pressure envir-onment may impact product sterility and quality in these types of systems must also be characterized. As a plunger moves backward, the seal, and possibly the product, may move into an unsterile area of the container. In extreme cases, the plunger may completely exit the barrel.




Testing Approaches

Numerous documents from internation-ally recognized organizations (e.g., ASTM, ISTA, ICH, ISO) are available for reference and provide reproducible ways of evaluating some of these stressors, including physical shock events, thermal cycling, and pressure cycling. However, the simulated distribution chain should reflect the anticipated stressors. Standards are meant to employ repro-ducible simulations but may not account for the variations and intricacies of specific distribution networks, such as iterative air shipments or a combination of different modes of transport. As with the application of many test methods and techniques, a proper assessment of the risks should inform decisions on evaluating such risks.




100% Online Testing


A holistic approach to controlling CCI should be taken to ensure package integrity at the time of manufacture as well as over the shelf life of the product (17). This holistic approach includes consideration of:


• CCIT method (in-line, near-line, off-line)


• Quality of primary package compon-ents


• Primary package design


• Manufacturing process qualification


• Product manufacturing process


• Change control process


• Shelf-life assessment


The CCIT method is a critical part of the control strategy, and an in-line test can make the overall approach more robust. However, the in-line test should not be the sole point of control.


In-line testing is defined as 100% testing of all filled and sealed primary packages for CCI during the production process, after the final sealing operation.


Currently, some regulatory requirements state that all container types fused and filled on the filling line (e.g., ampules, blow-fill-seal containers) must be 100% inspected (19). For other products, no current regulatory requirement exists for 100% in-line testing. The decision to conduct 100% in-line testing for other products should be based on risk assessment, as part of a holistic approach. A package that is accepted at the in-line test station is not guaranteed to maintain its CCI during the shelf life and use of the product. Conversely, a package that is rejected by the in-line test station is guaranteed not to meet the product’s CCI requirements. Therefore, the in-line test station acts as a filter for rejected packages, reducing the risk of CCI failures due to random process failure modes.


Consistent failure modes that are due to equipment malfunctioning or setup can be detected by other means, such as off-line quality control testing. A particular advantage of in-line CCIT compared to off-line quality control testing is the elimination (and cost savings) of handling suspect lots of products due to sample rejection at the off-line test station.


For high-speed lines, current technolog-ies cannot test for the small-sized defects that off-line test methods can. However, since most process failure modes result in medium to large defects in the package, widening the reject limit for in-line testing is a reasonable and low-risk decision. For each product, its process failure modes are examined to ensure that the in-line test station LoD does indeed present a low risk for that specific product based on its compon-ents, parameters, and requirements.


While it can add value in some situations, technology is not currently available to enable 100% in-line testing for all CCS and product types. Where feasible, regulations and quality risk management principles identified in ICH Quality Guideline Q9: Quality Risk Management should be used to determine if 100% in-line testing should be implemented (3).


Integrating 100% in-line testing into the manufacturing process requires a strong commitment. The inline test station requires capital investment and the operational cost of the equipment, which adds to the cost of the product. Multiple test stations may be required on each filling line to overcome differences between line speeds and test station throughput. Furthermore, the equipment requires the manufacturer to provide skilled resources to qualify, operate, and support this type of equipment, which is inherently much more complicated than an off-line quality control test station using the same measurement techno-logy.


No one test method fits all products. In-line test methods must be nondestruc-tive for the specific product to be tested.




Building a Quality by Design Approach intothe Container Closure Integrity Testing Program


Pharmaceutical QbD is a systematic approach to development that begins with predefined objectives and empha-sizes product and process understanding and control based on sound science and risk management.


A QbD concept can be built into a CCIT program, including such elements as:


• Quality target product profile that identifies the critical quality attributes (CQAs) of the product-package system


• Package design and understanding, including identification of critical material attributes that can affect package integrity


• Process design and understanding, including identification of CPPs, linking the material attributes and process parameters to the CQAs


• Control strategy that includes speci-fications for the productpackage confi-guration with respect to CCI as well as controls during each step of the manufacturing process that will help meet those specifications


• Regular quality checks on process capability and continual improvement initiatives


One of the ways users can build QbD into a CCIT program is to employ a risk-based approach. A risk-based CCIT program is built on science-based decisions; it offers an ongoing database of product lifecycle CCIT results (also called a package integrity profile) and a risk management tool for package integrity assurance throughout the lifecycle of the product. The program should demonstrate CCI as a function of ongoing, operative variations that takes into consideration:


• Design and material of the package


• Package assembly


• Processing conditions


• Storage, distribution, and stability conditions


Following are some key aspects that can be used to build a risk-based CCIT program by considering QbD principles:


• CCI over the entire lifecycle of product: The CCIT tool kit needs to demonstrate CCI over the entire lifecycle of the product. More than one test may be employed during a given product’s lifecycle based on the critical parameters to be controlled at that stage in the lifecycle of the product-package system. Section 6.4 discusses the lifecycle approach related to bulk flexible containers.


Choice of deterministic versus probab-ilistic methods: Deterministic methods are those where the leakage event is based on phenomena that follow a predictable chain of events. Such methods require less preparation, are performed with instruments, and offer quantitative outcomes. Probabilistic methods offer qualitative outcomes that are subject to the probability of a series of events to occur but may still provide valuable information when properly applied. For example, some probabilistic methods may provide information on the location of a defect in a flexible pharmaceutical container. Some probab-ilistic methods may prove more advan-tageous than deterministic methods with respect to enhanced sensitivity. For example, internal-pressure testing has in some cases demonstrated sensitivity down to a smaller micron size when compared to the sensitivity established with a deterministic method.


Choice of off-line versus in-line, on-line or at-line test methods: Implementation of a chosen CCIT method may vary in its nature depending on the stage in the product lifecycle and the CQAs pertaining to package integrity required at that specific time point.


— Off-line methods: Measurement does not involve samples removed directly from the manufacturing line. Test methods are typically not high speed, are not integrated into the manufacturing line, and are usually implemented in a laboratory setting.


— In-line methods: Measurement where the sample is not removed from the process stream and methods are not destructive to the sample (see Section 6.2).

— 在线方法:样品未从工艺流中移除且方法不会破坏样品的测量(见第6.2节)。

— On-line methods: Measurement where the sample is diverted from the manufacturing process and may be returned to the process stream; these test methods are not destructive to the sample (see Section 6.2).

— 随线方法:样品从制造过程转移并可能返回工艺流的测量;这些试验方法不会破坏样品(见第6.2节)。

— At-line methods: Measurement where the sample is removed, isolated from the process stream, and analyzed.

— 近线方法:从工艺流中分离样品并进行分析的测量。

In-line and on-line test methods are typically needed when 100% testing is required during manufacturing. At-line and off-line tests are better suited for testing based on a scientifically valid sampling plan, stability study, and development environments. The selected method(s) must be suitable for the intended use and scope of the specific CCIT. In-line and on-line methods can potentially provide greater assurance that all packages have integrity and can yield instant feedback in the event of package misassembly.


Sampling: Scientifically valid sampling plans should be based on risk assess-ment in association with appropriate statistical criteria. This could lead to various scenarios, including one where the occurrence of leaks is sufficient to require 100% testing due to a complex or highly variable manufacturing process. In cases where the process is under statistical control, sampling plans may be based on standards adhered to within the local quality management system.


Factors to consider for sampling plans include the complexity of the product-package design and related manufact-uring process, available test methods required to ensure product quality, and prior experience with similar configura-tions.


• Regardless of the nature of the test method (deterministic or probabilistic), the number of samples can provide sufficient confidence through risk assessment.

• 无论测试方法的性质如何(确定性或概率性),样本数量都可以通过风险评估提供足够的置信度。

• Defining the MALL: CCI is established when a package meets its maximum allowable leak limit. Since product quality requirements define the MALL, the choice of test method may be based on the stage of the product lifecycle (initial development, routine manufac-turing, shelf life, and stability assess-ments) and should depend on the critical parameters to be controlled at the specific stage.

• 定义MALL:当包装满足其最大允许泄漏限值时,包装密封完整性便建立了。由于产品质量要求定义了MALL,因此,测试方法的选择可能基于产品生命周期的阶段(初始开发、常规生产、货架期和稳定性评估),并应取决于特定阶段要控制的关键参数。

• Designing a CCIT tool kit: The CCIT tool kit should encompass different test methods that can be employed to detect defect types critical to product quality and sterility. Ideally, the tool kit would provide the user with not only details about the test method, its application, and leak detection capability, but also with testing efficiency, including testing speed (time taken to detect leaks of critical value) and throughput (rest times for sample equilibration and measure-ment of control groups). This information will help the user determine which CCIT can be implemented at each stage of the product lifecycle based on the desired CQAs to be achieved.

• 设计CCIT工具包:CCIT工具包应包含可用于检测对产品质量和无菌性至关重要的缺陷类型的不同测试方法。理想情况下,工具包不仅向用户提供有关测试方法、应用和泄漏检测能力的详细信息,还提供测试效率,包括测试速度(检测临界值泄漏所需的时间)和通量(样本平衡和对照组测量的休息时间)。该信息将帮助用户根据要实现的预期CQA,确定在产品生命周期的每个阶段可以实施哪些CCIT。

• Ensuring continuous improvement: In the event of a change to the package design, material, or manufacturing processing conditions (including steril-ization conditions), the risk-based strategy should be designed to trigger a review of the CCIT tool kit to ensure it includes test methods that can detect defects critical to product sterility and quality.




Risk Assessment

A risk-based approach using the quality tools mentioned in ICH Q9 can be a very effective way to assess sterile package integrity and testing applications. Following the lifecycle phases, relevant package integrity parameters are considered to determine product-package quality intent and how to evaluate the critical parameters that effectively impact the integrity of the CCS.

使用ICH Q9中提到的质量工具的基于风险的方法是评估无菌包装完整性和测试应用的非常有效的方法。跟随生命周期的阶段,考虑相关包装完整性参数,以确定产品包装质量意图以及如何评估有效影响包装密封系统完整性的关键参数。

A lifecycle assessment process provides ample time and opportunity to develop improved learning, better understanding, and ongoing generation of compelling data to support the risk of package integrity failure. This QbD approach consists of learning, evaluation, and control strategy determination. The impact or risk of an integrity failure is relevant to both patient and product. The complexity of a package integrity risk assessment is derived from the numerous inputs to the manufacturing and packaging processes and the multiple ways of evaluating the outcomes of these processes. A first step in risk assessment (e.g., using the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) quality tool) is to identify each incremental process step and the appropriate materials relevant to that step. Next, a verification of the potential risk of failure (i.e., a leak) at the process step is made and a list drawn up of causal factors that might lead to each failure type. Another list is developed that indicates what controls may exist that could mitigate the risks. Subsequently, the risk tool can be used to determine what types of testing (monitoring) are valuable, how frequently testing should be performed, and where or what types of samples should be taken for evaluation.


Similar to Six Sigma thinking (define-measure-analyze-improve-control), the risk assessment process is an ongoing methodology for quality improvement.

与6 Sigma思想(定义-测量-分析-改进-控制)类似,风险评估过程是一种持续的质量改进方法。


