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嘉峪检测网 2022-08-25 17:30
脑机接口(Brain-Computer Interface,BCI 或 Brain-Machine Interface,BMI),指在人或动物大脑与外部设备之间创建的直接连接,实现脑与设备的信息交换。脑机接口是一种测量中枢神经系统活动并将其转换为替代、恢复、增强、 补充或改善自然中枢神经系统输出的系统,以改变中枢神经系统与其外部/内部 环境正在进行的交互。
BCI 一直是研究人员感兴趣的领域。最近,它已成为一个迷人的科学探究领域,并已成为证明大脑与技术之间直接联系的可能手段。许多研发项目都贯彻了这一理念,也成为科学探究中发展最快的领域之一。脑机接口的研究可以追溯至二十世纪七十年代,经过近五十年的研究,脑机接口技术的发展经历了三个阶段,目前,脑机接口技术正处于第三个阶段——技术爆发阶段。
根据Value Reports的报告,2027年,全球脑机接口的市场规模约230亿人民币,年复合增长率约13%。据臻泰智能介绍,尽管我国脑机接口纯设备的市场规模不足百亿人民币,但在使用场景中与具体产业(如老龄化、心理疾病等)的结合具有明显的放大效应,未来可能达到千亿规模。
对于我们人类而言,众所周知的,大脑中有 860 亿个神经元,神经元用于发送和接收信息。尽管神经元有许多不同的类型,但它们通常由三部分组成:接收信号的树突、计算信号的细胞体和发出信号的轴突。
我们通常所认为的脑机接口是利用中枢神经系统产生的信号,在不依赖外周神经或肌肉的条件下,把用户或被试的感知觉、表象、认知和思维等直接转 化为动作,在大脑与外部设备之间建立直接的交流和控制通道。
脑机接口的基本原理是利用无创的脑电(EEG)、功能磁共振(f MRI)、功能近红外(f NIRS)、脑磁(MEG)或有创的皮层脑电(ECo G)、微电极阵列(MEA)等脑信号获取技术,采集并解码大脑活动信号,然后转换成相应的指令控制外部设备。
1929年:Hans Berger 教授首次发现脑电波,人们就推测它可能用于交流和控制,至此,针对脑机接口技术的研究正式开始。
1935年:哈佛医学院的 Frederic Gibbs、Hallowell Davis 和 William Lennox 报告了使用 EEG 来改善癫痫症的可能性。
1952年:西班牙神经科学家 José M Delgado 开始将配备无线电的电极阵列植入动物和人类体内。
1970年:美国国防高级研究计划局启动了一项利用 EEG 探索大脑通信的计划。
1973年:加州大学洛杉矶分校的 Jacques Vidal 教授创造了“脑机接口”一词,并提出了脑
机接口项目的目标,以分析 EEG 信号。
1987年:美国科学家Phillip Kennedy通过将神经营养锥电极植入猴子体内,构建了第一个皮质内脑机接口。
1997年:美国食品和药物管理局批准 DBS 用于治疗特发性震颤和帕金森病(随后于 2003 年批准用于治疗肌张力障碍和 2018 年用于癫痫)。
全球顶级学术平台《nature》在其著名学术期刊《Nature Biotechnology》杂志上发表了一篇文章——《Patent landscape of brain–machine interface technology》,从专利角度对脑机接口进行了全面的分析,对于部分基础数据笔者引用至本文。
Synchron,巧妙的与“神经介入” 结合,实现不开颅植入,Synchron于2017年创立,根据市场研究公司数据,Synchron拥有约60名员工,迄今已从投资者那里筹集了约6500万美元。2021年7月通过FDA临床研究性器械豁免(IDE)申请,这也是第一家植入式BCI获得对人类患者进行临床试验许可,这使得其领先了竞争对手Neuralink等公司。
据悉,2022 年 7 月 19 日,Synchron在美国完成了首个人脑-计算机接口 (BCI) 植入物,首次在人体植入血管内 BCI 是一个重要的临床里程碑,它为瘫痪患者开辟了新的可能性,” Synchron 首席执行官兼创始人 Tom Oxley 博士说,“我们的技术是为数百万失去双手控制数字设备能力的人服务的。我们很高兴将可扩展的 BCI 解决方案推向市场,该解决方案有可能改变许多人的生活。”
公开/公告号 |
US20210342004A1 |
申请日 |
2021-07-19 |
发明名称 |
Systems and methods for generic control using a neural signal |
解决的技术问题 |
Currently for brain computer interfaces (BCIs), users are asked to either perform a task-relevant mental task to perform a given target task (e.g., try moving a cursor when the target task is to move a cursor) or are asked to perform a task-irrelevant mental task to perform a given target task (e.g., try moving your hand to move a cursor to the right). Furthermore, current BCIs only allow users to use the thought (e.g., the task-relevant mental task or the task-irrelevant mental task) to control a pre-defined target task that is set by the researcher. This disclosure describes novel methods and systems that prepare and allow BCI users to utilize a given task-irrelevant thought to independently control a variety of end-applications, including software and devices. |
技术方案 |
Universal switch modules, universal switches, and methods of using the same are disclosed, including methods of preparing an individual to interface with an electronic device or software. For example, a method is disclosed that can include measuring brain-related signals of the individual to obtain a first sensed brain-related signal when the individual generates a task-irrelevant thought. The method can include transmitting the first sensed brain-related signal to a processing unit. The method can include associating the task-irrelevant thought and the first sensed brain-related signal with N input commands. The method can include compiling the task-irrelevant thought, the first sensed brain-related signal, and the N input commands to an electronic database. |
相关附图 |
公开/公告号 |
US20220253024A1 |
申请日 |
2022-04-28 |
发明名称 |
Systems and methods for configuring a brain control interface using data from deployed systems |
解决的技术问题 |
Allowing BCI user to control any pre-defined target task through task-irrelevant thought also allows for systemic improvement of the brain control system since operational data from individual BCI users can be accumulated to collectively improve the system and controls allowing caregivers to improve outcomes for existing and/or new BCI users. For example, the accumulation of individual data from BCI users can assist in categorizing the data to produce any number of suggested operational parameters, where the suggested operational parameter enables the medical caregiver to configure the patient's device control system such that the patient's device control system can control the patient's device when implanted in the patient. |
技术方案 |
Universal switch modules, universal switches, and methods of using the same are disclosed, including methods of preparing an individual to interface with an electronic device or software. For example, a method is disclosed that can include measuring brain-related signals of the individual to obtain a first sensed brain-related signal when the individual generates a task-irrelevant thought. The method can include transmitting the first sensed brain-related signal to a processing unit. The method can include associating the task-irrelevant thought and the first sensed brain-related signal with N input commands. The method can include compiling the task-irrelevant thought, the first sensed brain-related signal, and the N input commands to an electronic database. |
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