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AMS2750H Pyrometry高温测量(2)

嘉峪检测网        2024-07-27 10:34

目  录








2.1 Applicable Documents适用文件


2.2 Definitions定义




3.1 Temperature Sensors温度传感器


3.2 Instrumentation仪表化


3.3 Thermal Processing Equipment热处理设备


3.4 System Accuracy Test系统精度测试


3.5 Temperature Uniformity Surveys (TUS)温度均匀性测量


3.6 Laboratory Furnaces实验室炉


3.7 Records记录


3.8 Rounding修约














AMS2750™ REV. H     Issued 1980-04      Revised 2024-07      Superseding AMS2750G




3.5.15 Relocation of Hot or Cold Recording Sensors for Type A and C Instrumentation


A型和C型仪表的热或冷端记录传感器的移位 When the hot and cold temperature locations change within the furnace based on the readings from the most recent TUS, the hot and cold recording sensors may need to be relocated to reflect the new hot and cold locations within each qualified work zone.


当炉内的冷热端温度位置根据最新的温度读数发生变化时,可能需要重新配置冷热端记录传感器,以反映每个合格工作区域内新的冷热端位置。 The hot and/or cold recording sensors do not require relocation if either of the following conditions is met 如满足以下任一条件时,冷和/或热端记录传感器不需要移位: The temperature uniformity results do not exceed one half of the maximum temperature uniformity tolerance for the applicable furnace class at all temperatures surveyed. The intent of this requirement condition is that the TUS results do not exceed 1/2 of the uniformity tolerance in either the cold direction from the set point temperature to evaluate the cold recording location and that the TUS results do not exceed 1/2 of the uniformity tolerance in the hot direction from the set point temperature to evaluate the hot recording location. The hot and cold locations are to be assessed individually.




Example: Furnace Class 2 ±10 °F and the TUS results showed that both the hot and cold locations changed. The TUS results were -4.0 °F to +5.5 °F. This means that the cold location does not need to be relocated, but because the TUS results exceeded the half tolerance in the positive direction, the hot location does not pass this test.


例:2级炉±10°F, TUS结果显示冷热端位置都发生了变化。TUS结果为-4.0°F至+5.5°F。这意味着冷端位置不需要重新定位,但由于TUS结果超过了正方向的一半公差,因此热端位置不通过此测试。


NOTE: A TUS modification offset may be used to center the TUS results to meet the above requirement for both locations (see Figure 2).




Set temperature设定温度



Figure 2 - Hot/cold sensor relocation condition #1冷热端传感器移位条件#1 The difference between the measured temperature at the current hot and cold recording sensor locations and the actual respective hottest and coldest measured locations does not exceed the maximum SAT difference for the applicable furnace class (see Tables 11 and 12). The intent of this requirement is that the maximum and minimum TUS sensor readings during the 30-minute TUS soak, recorded and corrected by the TUS recorder, are compared to the furnace recording of the current hot and cold recording sensors at the same time, and shall not exceed the applicable SAT difference. See Figure 3.





New “corrected” Cold During TUS soak period新的”修正“在TUS浸泡期间的


Current Furnace Cold Recording电炉冷端记录


Current Furnace Hot Recording电炉热端记录


New “corrected” Hot During TUS soak period新的”修正“在TUS热端期间的


Current Furnace Cold Recording - New “corrected” Cold During TUS ≤ Maximum SAT difference


当前炉冷端记录 - TUS期间冷端新修正 ≤ 最大SAT差


Current Furnace Hot Recording - New “corrected” Hot During TUS ≤ Maximum SAT difference


当前炉热端记录 - TUS期间热端新修正 ≤ 最大SAT差


Compared at the point in time when the hot and cold corrected TUS temperature occurred




Figure 3 - Hot/cold sensor relocation condition #2热/冷传感器移位条件 If the qualified operating temperature range exceeds 300 ℉ or 165 ℃ and the hot and/or cold recording sensors are permanently positioned/fixed and need to be relocated, additional TUS temperatures shall be performed to verify that the new locations are correct throughout the qualified operating temperature range of the furnace.


如果合格的操作温度范围超过165℃,并且热和/或冷记录传感器是永久定位/固定的,需要重新定位,则应执行额外的TUS温度,以验证在整个炉子的合格操作温度范围内,新位置是正确的。 If the hot and/or cold recording sensors are not permanently positioned/fixed, they can be relocated without the above testing if there is a diagram of the required location where the hot and cold recording sensors will be placed at each process temperature.




3.5.16 TUS Results and Records TUS结果和记录 The results of the TUS shall be documented. At a minimum, the TUS documentation shall include TUS的结果应被记录。至少,TUS文件应包括:


a. Furnace identification name or number炉子标识名称或编号。


b. Identification of TUS as initial or periodic确定TUS为初始或周期性的


c. TUS instrument unique identification number仪表唯一识别码。


d. TUS sensor(s) batch or lot number TUS传感器批号或批号


e. TUS set point temperatures TUS设定温度。


f. Control instrument tuning constants 控制仪表调谐常数。


g. TUS sensor calibration report TUS传感器校准报告。


h. TUS instrument calibration report 仪表校准报告。


i. TUS, control, and recording sensor location identification required by the applicable instrumentation type including a detailed diagram, description, or photograph(s) of any load, rack, or fixture used.




j. The atmosphere used 大气中使用。


k. Time and temperature data from all recorded sensors required for the instrument type for all qualified work zones surveyed.




l. Correction factors for the TUS sensors and TUS instrument at each TUS temperature. The TUS instrument correction factors shall be stated even when the correction factors have been electronically applied to the TUS instrument to correct the TUS instrument temperature readings.




m. As-found and as-left correction and/or modification offsets if used during production.




n. Corrected or uncorrected (if documented) readings of all TUS sensors at each TUS temperature. TUS readings shall be identified as corrected or uncorrected.




o. Load condition, i.e., empty, with a rack, or with a load 负载状态,即空的,带机架的,或带负载的。


p. TUS start date and time (when temperature data collection began).




q. TUS end date and time (when temperature data collection ended).




r. The results of hottest and coldest TUS and furnace recording sensor relocation analysis for Type A and C instrumentation, as applicable.




s. Traverse speed (s) or shaker frequency, and qualified work zone length for the TUS performed on continuous and semi-continuous furnaces, as applicable.




t. TUS pass or fail statement TUS通过/不通过的声明


u. When applicable, documentation of any control, recording, or TUS sensor failures.




v. Summary of the hottest and coldest corrected TUS readings at each test temperature during the minimum soak period compared to the TUS requirement. For example, a TUS performed at 920 ℉ ±10.0 ℉ or 493 ℃ ± 6.0 ℃. During the 30-minute soak period, the hottest corrected temperature is 923.4 ℉ or 495.2 ℃ and the lowest corrected temperature is 918.8 ℉ or 492.7 ℃. The Summary would be -1.2 to +3.4 ℉ or -0.3 to +2.2 ℃.




w. Identification of the technician performing the TUS.




x. Identification of the agency if TUS is not performed internally.




y. Approval of an authorized agent for the calibration agency if not performed internally.




z. User quality organization approval 用户质量组织批准。


3.5.17 Radiation Survey辐射测量


When required by the applicable material or process specification, a radiation survey shall be performed as follows当适用材料或工艺规范有要求时,应按下列方式进行辐射测量: Where the heat source (e.g., electrical elements or gas radiant tubes) is located in the furnace walls, ceiling, or floor, and the heat source has either a direct line of sight to the work zone or is only separated from the work zone by a single sheet of metal, a radiation survey shall be performed at the maximum operating temperature used for aluminum during production. The radiation survey shall be performed initially and after any equipment repair or modifications, including furnace relocation, that could affect the radiation characteristics of the heat source.


热源(例如,电气元件或燃气辐射管)位于炉壁、炉顶或炉底板上,热源要么直接对准工作区域,要么与工作区域隔着一块金属片,辐射测量应在铝生产过程中使用的最高工作温度下进行。辐射测量应在设备修理或修改后进行,包括炉子搬迁,可能会影响热源的辐射特性。 The radiation survey sensor(s) shall be in addition to the required number of TUS sensors. The radiation survey and the initial or periodic TUS may be performed simultaneously or separately.


辐射测量传感器应在必需数量的TUS传感器之外。辐射测量和初始或周期的TUS测量可以同时或单独进行。 The radiation survey sensors shall be peened into or welded onto the center of 6061 aluminum alloy panels. The panels shall measure approximately 12 x 12 inches or 30 x 30 cm not more than 0.125 inch or 3.1 mm in nominal thickness. The panels shall have been heated in air to a temperature in the range of 970 to 1010 ℉ ± 10.0 ℉ or 520 to 545 ℃ ± 6.0 ℃ and air cooled prior to the first radiation survey. Soak time shall be in accordance with the thickness requirements for the solution treatment as defined by the material or process specification.


辐射测量传感器应喷入或焊接到6061铝合金板的中心。面板应测量约12 × 12英寸或30 × 30厘米,不超过0.125英寸或3.1毫米公称厚度。在第一次辐射测量前,面板应在空气中加热至520-545 ℃ ± 6.0 ℃的温度范围内,并在空气中冷却。浸泡时间应与材料或工艺规范中规定的溶液处理厚度要求一致。 The panels, one for each 10 ft2 or 0.93 m2 of furnace side wall, ceiling, and/or floor area where the heat source is located, shall be distributed symmetrically, with the faces parallel to the furnace wall, ceiling, and/or floor where the heat source is located, at the outer limits of the qualified work zone. Either side of the panel(s) may face the heat source.


热源所在的炉膛侧墙、炉顶和/或地板每10平方英尺或0.93平方米的面板应对称分布,其面与热源所在的炉壁、炉顶和/或地板平行,位于合格工作区域的外边界。面板的任意一侧都可以面对热源。 For aluminum vacuum brazing equipment utilizing clamping fixtures, the panels shall be inserted into the fixturing to replicate production.


使用夹具的铝真空钎焊设备,板材要插入夹具中复制生产。 The number, aluminum alloy, and size of panels may be adjusted to replicate production. 


面板的数量,铝合金和尺寸可以调整,以复制生产。 All radiation survey sensor readings shall meet the data collection requirements of, sensor failure requirements of 3.5.13, and the TUS requirements of 3.5.14.




3.5.18 TUS Interval Deviations温度均匀性测量间隔偏差 The user is allowed to have thermal processing equipment exceed the allowable TUS interval, including any extension days in Table 22, with the approval from each applicable cognizant engineering or quality organization. When the TUS is next performed, it shall include all required temperatures of the initial TUS and at the highest and lowest traverse speed for continuous and semi-continuous furnaces. The TUS interval shall continue at the interval in use at the time of the last periodic TUS.


用户允许热加工设备超过允许的TUS间隔,包括表22中的任何延长天数,并得到每个适用的审理工程或质量组织的批准。下一次进行TUS时,应包括初始TUS所需的所有温度,以及连续炉和半连续炉的最高和最低切换速率。TUS间隔应继续在最后一个周期TUS时的使用间隔。 For thermal processing equipment that has been documented as being “out of use/service” beyond the next TUS due date and any extension days in Table 22, a periodic TUS shall be performed before being returned to service. The TUS interval shall continue at the interval in use at the time the equipment was taken “out of use/service”.




3.6 Laboratory Furnaces实验炉


3.6.1 General Laboratory Furnace Requirements通用实验炉要求 Laboratory furnaces shall be used for preparation of laboratory testing samples such as, but not limited to, response to heat treatment testing in accordance with the material or process specification.


用于制备实验室测试样品的实验炉,如,但不限于,根据材料或工艺规范对热处理测试的响应。 A laboratory furnace shall not be used for thermal processing of any parts or raw material unless the furnace meets all applicable requirements of this specification.




3.6.2 Laboratory furnace requirements when a load sensor is used使用载荷传感器的实验炉要求:


a. Load sensors shall comply with 3.1.10 载荷传感器应符合3.1.10。


b. Calibration of control and recording instruments shall be performed quarterly. Calibration shall meet the requirements of Table 7 控制和记录仪表的校准应每季度进行一次。校准应满足表7的要求。


c. The SAT shall be performed quarterly. The SAT difference shall meet the requirements of Table 11 or 12 for the lowest furnace class required by the material or process specification specified.




d. After completion of a successful initial TUS plus two consecutive successful periodic quarterly TUS, the TUS interval may be extended to semi-annually. The TUS results shall meet the requirements of Table 15 or 16. 在初次TUS合格后再连续两次季度TUS合格后,TUS的间隔时间可以延长到半年一次。TUS结果应满足表15或表16的要求。


3.6.3 Laboratory furnace requirements when a load sensor is not used 不使用负载传感器时的实验室炉要求:


a. Control and recording instrument calibration, SAT, and TUS shall be performed in accordance with the instrument type and furnace class applicable for production equipment.




3.7 Records记录


3.7.1 All records of sensor calibration, and instruments calibration, SAT, and TUS in addition to any calibration, SAT, and TUS failures shall be available for inspection and shall be maintained for not less than 5 years.




3.8 Rounding修约


3.8.1 If used, rounding shall be applied in accordance with a documented procedure and used in a consistent manner.




3.8.2 Rounding to 0.1℉ or 0.1 ℃ in accordance with ASTM E29, other equivalent international standards or commercial software programs is acceptable.


根据ASTM E29的修约至0.1℃,其他等效的国际标准或商业软件是可以接受的。


3.8.3 The rounding method built into commercial spreadsheet programs is also acceptable.




3.8.4 All specified limits in this specification are absolute and out of tolerance test data cannot be rounded into tolerance.




3.8.5 Rounding shall only be applied to the final calibration or test result.






4.1 The user shall be responsible for the performance of all required calibration and tests and for conformance to all applicable requirements specified herein. The purchaser reserves the right to witness calibration or tests specified herein to ensure that processing conforms to applicable requirements, but such witnessing shall not hinder any process within the facility.




4.2 Third party (external) pyrometry service provider companies shall have a quality system accredited to ISO/IEC 17025 from an ILAC (International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation) recognized regional cooperation body. The scope of accreditation shall include the laboratory standards and/or field service (for testing and calibration activities), as applicable. This applies to third-party providers performing calibrations or tests at the user’s site or in their own laboratory.


第三方(外部)高温测量服务提供商公司应具有ISO/IEC 17025认可的质量体系,从ILAC(国际实验室认可合作)认可的区域合作机构。认可范围应包括适用的实验室标准和/或现场服务(用于检测和校准活动)。这适用于在用户现场或在其自己的实验室进行校准或测试的第三方供应商。


4.3 When calibrations and/or tests defined herein are performed by the user’s personnel, the user shall have procedures for calibration and testing, as applicable, detailing the methods and practices for the determination of the accuracy and measurements to minimize random errors. The user shall ensure the competence of personnel who perform calibrations and/or tests, evaluate results, and approve test results and documentation. Personnel who are undergoing training, shall be appropriately supervised. Personnel performing specific tasks shall be qualified based on documented education, training, experience and/or demonstrated skills, as applicable.




4.4 Equipment that is affected by any calibration or test failing to meet applicable requirements, or that has exceeded the allowable interval including any extension period defined in Table 22, shall be removed from service (i.e., production shall not begin once the extension days expire).




Table 22 - Permitted calibration/test interval extension允许的校准/测试间隔延长



4.5 As a result of any calibration or test failure, an evaluation of the possible effects of the failure on parts and raw material processed since the last successful corresponding calibration or test shall be performed.




4.6 Appropriate corrective action shall be in accordance with established material review procedures including the action taken to return the calibration or test to the required level of compliance and actions taken to prevent recurrence of the failure. The corrective action shall be documented and maintained on file.




4.7 A conforming corresponding calibration or test shall be required and documented before returning the equipment into service.




4.8 When parts or raw material processing conditions deviate from material or process specification requirements affected purchaser(s) shall be notified.




5 Preparation For Delivery交货准备


Not applicable不适用


6 Acknowledgement确认


Not applicable不适用


7 Rejections拒绝


Not applicable不适用


8 Notes注释


8.1 Revision Indicator


A change bar (l) located in the left margin is for the convenience of the user in locating areas where technical revisions, not editorial changes, have been made to the previous issue of this document. An (R) symbol to the left of the document title indicates a complete revision of the document, including technical revisions. Change bars and (R) are not used in original publications, nor in documents that contain editorial changes only.




8.2 Both imperial units and SI units are primary. Both Fahrenheit and Celsius temperatures are primary. Either the imperial/Fahrenheit system may be used, or the SI/Celsius system may be used.




Prepared by SAE AMS B finishes processes and fluids committee


由SAE AMS B完成工艺和流体委员会准备



