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EU GMP Annex 1

8.48 Where materials, equipment, components and ancillary items are sterilised in sealed packaging or containers, the packaging should be qualified for minimizing the risk of particulate, microbial, endotoxin/pyrogen or chemical contamination, and for compatibility with the selected sterilisation method. The packaging sealing process should be validated. The validation should consider the integrity of the sterile protective barrier system, the maximum hold time before sterilisation and the maximum shelf life assigned to the sterilised items. The integrity of the sterile protective barrier system for each of the sterilised items should be checked prior to use.

如果物料、 设备、 组分和辅助用品在密封包装或容器中灭菌,包装应经过确认,以最大限度减少微粒、 微生物、 内毒素/热原或化学污染的风险, 并与所选灭菌方法兼容。 包装密封工艺应经过验证。 验证应考虑无菌保护屏障系统的完整性 灭菌前的最长保持时间以及被灭菌物品的最长有效期。 应在使用前检查每种被灭菌物品的无菌保护屏障系统的完整性。





ASTM: American Society for Testing and Materials 美国材料与试验协会

ASTM F1929-23(国内的YY/T0681.4-2021参考的这个的之前版本)

Standard Test Method for Detecting Seal Leaks in Porous Medical Packaging by Dye Penetration

1、 Scope范围

  1. 1.1 This test method defines materials and procedures that will detect and locate a leak equal to or greater than a channel formed by a 50 μm (0.002 in.) wire in package edge seals formed between a transparent material and a porous sheet material. A dye penetrant solution is applied locally to the seal edge to be tested for leaks. After contact with the dye penetrant for a specific time, the package is visually inspected for dye penetration.


1.2Three dye application methods are covered in this test method: injection, edge dip, and eyedropper.


1.3These test methods are intended for use on packages with edge seals formed between a transparent material and a porous sheet material. The test methods are limited to porous materials which can retain the dye penetrant solution and prevent it from discoloring the seal area for a minimum of 5 seconds. Uncoated papers are especially susceptible to leakage and must be evaluated carefully for use with each test method.


1.4These test methods require that the dye penetrant solution have good contrast to the opaque packaging material.


1.5The values are stated in International System of Units (SI units) and English units. Either is to be regarded as standard.


1.6This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety, health, and environmental practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.


1.7This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.


2. Referenced Documents引用的文件

2.1 ASTM Standards: F17 Terminology Relating to Primary Barrier Packaging

2.2 ANSI Standards: Z1.4 Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by Attributes

3. Terminology术语

3.1 wicking - the migration of a liquid into the body of a fibrous material. This is distinct from a leak as defined in Terminology F17.


3.2 dye penetrant - an aqueous solution of a dye and a surfactant designed to penetrate and indicate a defect location in the time prior to the onset of wicking which could mask its presence.


3.3 channel - any unimpaired pathway across the entire width of the intended seal.


4. Significance and Use意义和用途

4.1 Harmful biological or particulate contaminants may enter the medical package through leaks, which are frequently found at seals between package components of the same or dissimilar materials. Leaks may also result from a pinhole in the packaging material.


4.2 It is the objective of this test method to visually observe the presence of channel defects by the leakage of dye through them.


4.3 This dye penetrant procedure is applicable only to individual leaks in a package seal. The presence of a number of small leaks, as found in porous packaging material, which could be detected by other techniques, will not be indicated.


4.4 There is no general agreement concerning the level of leakage that is likely to be deleterious to a particular package. However, since these tests are designed to detect leaks, components that exhibit any indication of leakage are normally rejected.


4.5 These procedures are suitable to verify and locate leakage sites. They are not quantitative. No indication of leak size can be inferred from these tests. The methods are usually employed as a pass/fail test.


4.6 The dye solution will wick through any porous material over time, but usually not within the maximum time suggested. If wicking does occur, it may be verified by observing the porous side of the subject seal area. The dye will have discolored the surface of the material. Refer to Appendix X1 for details on wicking and guidance on the observance of false positives.


5. Apparatus仪器、设备

5.1 Means of breaching one of the packaging materials such as a small knife. (Method A)


5.2 Dye Dispenser, such as an eyedropper or syringe for injection of the dye penetrant solution. (Method A)


5.3 Dye Solution Container (Method B)


5.4 Scissors or other cutting instrument. (Method B)


5.5 Eyedropper or 1 Mil. Pipelle. (Method C)


5.6 Microscope or optical loop with magnification of 5x to 20x (optional for all methods).


5.7 Aqueous dye penetrant solution consisting of a carrier, a surfactant, and an indicator dye. The surfactant should be nonionic. The chemical properties of the surfactant should be as follows: surface tension between 30 mN/m to 33 mN/m, hydrophilic/lipophilic balance (HLB) greater than 10, and critical micelle concentration (CMC) less than 2000 ppm. The formula of the solution by weight:

水性染料渗透溶液由载体、表面活性剂和指示染料组成。表面活性剂应该是非离子型的。表面活性剂的化学性质应如下:表面张力在30 mN/m33 mN/m之间,亲水/亲油平衡(HLB)值大于10,临界胶束浓度(CMC)小于2000 ppm。按重量计算的溶液配方为


Note 1: The solution must remain homogeneous. If precipitate is noted, the solution must be replaced.




5.7.1 If other colored or fluorescent dyes are substituted for toluidine blue, their precision and bias must be experimentally determined.


5.7.2 Because of the viscosity of many surfactants, the preparation of the solution is most easily accomplished by first taring a container with about 10% of the required amount of water on a scale. The appropriate amount of surfactant is added to the water by weight and the mixture gently stirred. Vigorous stirring or shaking is not recommended, as it may cause foaming that may be difficult to dissipate. Once the surfactant is dissolved, the remaining water can then be added, followed by the toluidine blue dye.


6. Safety Precautions安全防护措施

6.1 Injecting dye penetrant into a package with a hypodermic needle and syringe is a common method for performing this test. This practice can result in puncture of the skin with a contaminated needle and is therefore not recommended.Because of this hazard, it is recommended that the dye penetrant is dispensed using a flexible tube attached to a syringe through an opening formed with an appropriate cutting instrument.


7. Test Specimen试样

7.1 The test specimen shall consist of a complete packaged device, empty packages, or edge seal samples. Blemished, rejected, or dummy products may be used if they will not affect test results and are recorded prior to the test.


8. Calibration and Standardization校准和标准化

8.1 Since these procedures are not quantitative, no calibration is required.


9. Sampling取样

9.1 The number of samples tested should be adequate to be predictive of performance. Caution should be taken when eliminating samples with defects as this can bias the results.




10. Conditioning调节

10.1 Packaging must be free of condensation or any other source of liquid water. Water already in the seal defects may render them undetectable with a dye penetrant. If there is any indication that the package has been exposed to any liquid, it must be thoroughly dried at its typical storage temperature before testing.


10.2 If conditioning is required, standard conditioning atmosphere of 23±2°C or 73.4±3.6°F and 50±2% relative humidity is recommended, for a minimum of 24 hr, prior to testing.


11. Procedure程序

11.1 Method A (Injection Method):方法A(注射法)

11.1.1 Inject sufficient dye penetrant into the package to cover the longest edge to a depth of approximately 5mm or 0.25 in. (see 6.1 for safety precautions).


11.1.2 Visually examine the seal area through the transparent side of the package. Observe the package seal area for penetration of the dye solution across the seal width. Channels in the seal will be readily detected. Use 5 seconds per side mar as a guide for a 4 sided package. Total time should be less than or equal to 20 seconds. With prolonged exposure, wicking of dye through the porous packaging will color the entire seal area, making defect detection difficult. An optical device with 5x to 20x magnification may be used for detailed examination.


11.1.3 Rotate the package as necessary to expose each seal edge to the dye penetrant solution. Inject additional dye as needed to ensure complete edge exposure.


11.2 Method B (Edge Dip Method): 方法B(边缘浸蘸法)

11.2.1 Select a container whose length is long enough to accommodate the longest sealed edge of the package.


11.2.2 Pour enough dye into the container to cover the entire bottom surface to a minimum depth of approximately 3-6mm or 0.125-0.25 in.

倒入足够的染料,以覆盖容器底部整个表面,至大约3-6毫米或0.125-0.25英寸的最小深度。 If the package being tested has excessive material beyond the seal, such as a chevron style opening feature, a modification must be made to the package. With a cutting instrument, remove the excessive material along the outside edge of the chevron seal to a distance of approximately 3 mm or 0.125 in. from the seal, taking care not to cut into the seal area. Removal of the excess material will allow the dye solution to come into close proximity to the seal.


11.2.3 Lower one of the edges of the package into the dye solution so that it briefly touches the dye along the entire edge of the seal. This needs to be a brief dip process, just long enough to completely wet the edge.


11.2.4 Remove the package in its dipped orientation, and verify that the entire seal edge has been exposed to the dye solution. Observe the package seal area, through the transparent side, for penetration of the dye solution across the seal width. Use 5 seconds per side max as a guide for a 4 sided package. Total time should be less than or equal to 20 seconds.


11.2.5 An optical device with 5× to 20x magnification may be used for detailed examination.


11.2.6 Repeat edge dip for the remaining seals.


11.3 Method C (Eyedropper Method): 方法C(滴管法)

NoTE 2-This method requires the package to have an unsealed area beyond the outer edge of the seal.

注意2 - 这种方法要求包装在密封的外边缘之外有一个未密封的区域。

11.3.1 Pour dye solution into an open container.


11.3.2 Using a finger or the end of a paper clip, carefully push back the extended edge of the porous material away from the transparent material.


11.3.3 Insert eyedropper or pipette into the dye solution.


11.3.4 With the transparent side of the package facing the operator, lay a bead of the dye solution along the top edge of the package between the porous and transparent material.


11.3.5 For small packages slowly rotate the package, while applying solution until the entire package seal is exposed to the solution. Otherwise, apply solution to one side of the package at a time.


11.3.6 Observe the package seal area for penetration of the dye solution across the seal width. Use 5 seconds per side max as a guide for a 4 sided package. Total time should be less than or equal to 20 seconds.


12. Report报告

12.1 Report the following information:报告以下信息

12.1.1 Complete identification of material being tested, including, but not limited to, lot number and source of material, date, time, location, and operator of test.


12.1.2 Any conditioning of the materials.


12.1.3 A reference to test method performed: Method A, B, and/or C.


12.1.4 Identification of the dye penetrant solution if different from that specified in section 5.7.


12.1.5 Method of visual inspection; aided or unaided.


12.1.6 Results:结果 Evidence of dye penetration to the opposite side of the seal via a defined channel shall be taken as an indication of the presence of a leakage site.

染料通过规定的通道渗透到密封件的另一侧的证据应视为存在泄漏部位的指示。 Evidence of dye penetration through the porous material through general wetting of the surface (wicking) shall not be taken as an indication of the presence of a leakage site.

通过表面普遍润湿(毛细作用)在多孔材料中发现染料渗透的证据,不应被视为存在泄漏点的指示。 A qualitative description or sketch of the leakage sites.

对泄漏点的定性描述或草图。 Any deviation from standard.


13. Precision and Bias精度和偏差

13.1 Injection Method:注射法

13.1.1 Between June 1997, and March 1998 test packages from four manufacturers were examined using this method by three independent laboratories. Defects were intentionally created in the package seals by placing wires of 50 μm (0.002 in.) diameter in the seal area. When the wires were removed, a channel approximately the size of the wire was created in the seal. For each specimen set, 50 packages were produced. 25 with wire created defects and 25 controls with no artificial defects. The results are shown in Table I as (the number of correctly identified defects) / (the number of test packages).



13.1.2 The results show that when using the dye penetrant on packages with one side consisting of a porous breathable membrane, there is more than 95 % confidence that channels in package seals will be detected if they are equivalent in size to those made with a 50 μm (0.002 in.) wire. In this test series, significant reductions in test performance (probability of detecting a defect <60 %) were observed with pouches fabricated with film on both surfaces and with indicator dyes other than toluidine blue. Previous testing had shown significantly poorer detection with other wetting agents. These test results are therefore specific for this dye and wetting agent formulation.

13.1.2 结果显示,当在包装的一面使用染料渗透剂,而这一面由多孔透气膜组成时,如果密封处的通道大小与用50微米(0.002英寸)钢丝制造的通道相等,那么有超过95%的把握可以检测到这些通道。在这个测试系列中,用薄膜覆盖两面的袋子以及使用除甲苯胺蓝之外的指示染料时,观察到测试性能显著下降(检测缺陷的概率<60%)。以前的测试显示,使用其他润湿剂的检测效果明显较差。因此,这些测试结果特定于这种染料和润湿剂的配方。

13.1.3 The above P&B statement and Table 1 were generated using Method A only.


13.1.4 Bias—Pass/fail tests have no bias.


13.2 Edge Dip and Eyedropper Methods:


13.2.1 Edge dip and eyedropper Interlaboratory studies of ASTM F1929, Standard Test Method for Detecting Seal Leaks in Porous Medical Packaging by Dye Penetration were conducted in 2012. Of the twelve laboratories that participated, seven tested the edge dip method, and five tested the eyedropper method. Defects were intentionally created by placing wires of 50 μm (0.002 in.) diameter in the seal area. The wires were removed and a channel approximately the size of the wire was created in the seal. Each participant analyzed 50 randomly coded samples (25 produced with channels and 25 without channels) for each of five materials. Every analyst reported results to indicate the presence or absence of a channel. The results were tabulated as the number identified correctly, false positives, and false negatives; the details are given in RR:F02-10324.

2012年对ASTM F1929标准测试方法进行了边缘浸蘸法和滴管法的实验室间研究,该标准测试方法是通过染料渗透检测多孔医用包装的密封泄漏。参与的十二个实验室中,有七个实验室测试了边缘浸蘸法,五个实验室测试了滴管法。通过在密封区域放置直径为50微米(0.002英寸)的钢丝来故意制造缺陷。钢丝被移除后,在密封处形成了大约与钢丝大小相同的通道。每个参与者分析了五种材料的50个随机编码样本(25个带有通道,25个不带通道)。每位分析师报告了结果,以指明通道的存在或不存在。结果被记录为正确识别的数量、误报和漏报;详细信息见RR:F02-10324

13.2.2 When combining the edge dip data population of all labs, the results show that this method provides the correct response of detecting channels created by a 50 μm wire in seals 95% of the time. The 95% confidence interval is 93.8% to 96.0 %. The results of correctly identified, false positives, and false negatives are shown in Tables 2-4.


13.2.3 When combining the eyedropper data population of all labs, the results show that this method provides the correct response of detecting channels created by a 50 μm wire in seals 99 % of the time. The 95 % confidence interval is 97.7% to 99.1%. The results of correctly identified, false positives, and false negatives are shown in Tables 5-7.


13.2.4 Bias—Pass/fail tests have no bias.


13.2.5 The materials tested were identified as:


  1. Coated Tyvek, Hot Melt Adh., /Rigid Packaging Substrate.


  1. Uncoated Tyvek, No Adh., /Flexible Packaging Substrate.


  1. Coated Tyvek, Hot Melt Adh., /Flexible Packaging Substrate.


  1. Coated Tyvek, Water-Based Adh., /Flexible Packaging Substrate.


  1. Coated Paper, Water-Based Adh., /Flexible Packaging Substrate.


14. Keywords关键词 

14.1 dye penetrant; edge dip; eyedropper; flexible packaging



(Nonmandatory Information)非强制信息


X1.1 Wicking: The dye solution used for this testing is very aggressive. It will wick along the fibers of the Tyvek and other porous materials quickly. This will appear to be a partial penetration of the seal area, and can be misinterpreted as a test failure. Dissimilarly, a channel defect in the seal provides a path across the entire seal width and will be evident almost immediately after exposure to the dye solution. This can be readily distinguished from the wicking phenomenon, as capillary action in a channel is much faster than wicking. The correct exposure time is important in distinguishing the difference between wicking and a channel. 5 seconds is all the time required, since channel penetration is typically noticed within the first few seconds of exposure. If dye solution exposure is for 20 seconds, wicking can be severe. 20 seconds is the intended exposure time for the whole package, i.e., 5 seconds x 4 sides = 20 seconds.

X1.1 毛细现象:用于此测试的染料溶液非常活跃。它会迅速沿着Tyvek和其他多孔材料的纤维进行毛细渗透。这看起来像是密封区域的部分渗透,可能会被误解为测试失败。不同地,密封中的通道缺陷提供了一条穿过整个密封宽度的路径,并且在接触染料溶液后几乎立即显现出来。这可以很容易地区分毛细现象,因为通道中的毛细作用速度远远快于毛细渗透。正确的曝光时间对于区分毛细渗透和通道至关重要。通常只需要5秒钟,因为通道渗透通常在接触的最初几秒钟内就能被注意到。如果染料溶液的曝光时间是20秒,毛细渗透可能会很严重。20秒是整个包装的预期曝光时间,即5 x 4 = 20秒。

X1.2 Oxidative Sterilization: Oxidative sterilization processes can change the hydrostatic head of some porous materials. This change to the surface tension can cause false positive results due to excessive wicking. Before using liquid-based integrity testing, it is important to evaluate the sterilization effects on the hydrostatic head property of the materials.

X1.2 氧化灭菌:氧化灭菌过程可能会改变一些多孔材料的静压。这种对表面张力的改变可能会导致由于过度毛细作用而产生假阳性结果。在使用基于液体的完整性测试之前,评估灭菌对材料静水压头属性的影响是重要的。

X1.3 Bending/Folding: A false-positive can occur when a flexible porous material is bent, folded, or creased. The folding causes internal sheet separation of the porous web. This can happen when a pouch is folded to fit into a shelf container or is folded or bent during distribution stress testing. The folding of porous barrier materials is not recommended but is often ignored or difficult to avoid. Sheet separation has been observed in all types of porous sheet materials. Porous sheets can separate internally because the exterior surfaces are less flexible than the interior. The bending forces can result in the yielding of the interior fibers that hold the sheet together. The tighter the bend the greater forces become until the load becomes excessive and the fiber structure holding the sheet together will separate and compress on one side of the bend, expand on the other side creating a gap or channel between internal fibers at the bend. When the sheet is unbent or flattened out again, there will still be a less dense area or gap formed in the interior of the sheet. These areas in the porous sheet are separations within the softer inner layer between the more rigid outer surfaces. The original mass of the fibers is still there, only the bulk density has decreased. During dye testing, the dye will wick through the surface layer and penetrate to the separation site. At that point, the dye finds this path of least resistance and quickly migrates to the edge of the sheet creating a channel-like appearance.


