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嘉峪检测网 2015-08-27 21:47
食品伙伴网讯 据外媒报道,一家内销中国的进口公司正在与澳大利亚酒厂合作,创造适合中国人的新高档葡萄酒系列。
据报道,梁先生(Keith Leung)和卢先生(Keith Lu)是一家总部设在香港的进口公司“K -葡萄酒”(K-Wine)的经理人。梁先生和卢先生正在与世界闻名的西澳玛格丽特河和南澳巴罗莎谷的酒庄合作,打造自己的品牌酒。
A Chinese company is working closely with Australian wineries to create a new premium wine range suited to the Chinese palate.
Keith Leung and Keith Lu run K-Wine, an import company based in Hong Kong.
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Audio: Keith Leung and Keith Lu from K-Wine, say new wine will cater to Chinese palate (ABC Rural)
Photo: A new wine developed in partnership with a Chinese wine company and a Margaret River winemaker.
Mr Leung and Mr Lu are working in partnership with wineries in Western Australia's Margaret River and the Barossa Valley in South Australia, to create wine under their own brand.
K-Wine has created “CEO”, a wine created in Australia, with the businessmen working alongside wineries to develop a unique product.