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嘉峪检测网 2025-01-16 09:47
2025年1月7日美国FDA发布的脉搏血氧仪指南草案“Pulse Oximeters for Medical Purposes - Non-Clinical and Clinical Performance Testing, Labeling, and Premarket Submission Recommendations”,在业界引起了较大的轰动。
· 所有脉搏血氧仪;
· 处方脉搏血氧仪;
· OTC脉搏血氧仪;
· 之前通过510(k)审核的脉搏血氧仪。
1) 对于包装标签,包括以下两则声明:
②已确认的无差异性能的声明,如"This pulse oximeter has been evaluated to perform comparably across groups of individuals with a wide variety of skin tones based on [details provided consistent with the study conducted]."
2) 对于说明书,包括以下信息:
① 无差异性能的声明,要求同包装标签;
② 使用适应症;
* for use as a stand-alone device or a multi-parameter module;
* for use in spot-checking, continuous real-time monitoring or continuous data archiving;
* for prescription or OTC use;
* for use in specific patient population(s);
* for low perfusion conditions;
* for in motion conditions (e.g., walking, fidgeting);
* for single use or multi-use;
* for out-of-hospital transport; and/or
* for home use.
③ 设备描述
* 器械如何实现其预期用途的科学原理(如功能性氧饱和度);
* 传感器配置/几何形状(例如,反射率vs.透射率);
* 推荐的应用位置和相关解剖尺寸;
* 设计特征(如功能、警报);
* 所有患者接口附件(例如,患者电缆、延长电缆、传感器、绷带);
* 器械和附件是否无菌提供;
* 器械是否为再加工的一次性器械;
* 为用户提供的用于评估数据质量的输出描述,包括精确脉搏血氧仪性能的百分比调制范围(信号质量指标);以及
* 器械设置和操作信息。
④ 警告信息
•Only a health care provider can diagnose medical conditions;
• Reliance solely on a pulse oximeter to detect health conditions or blood oxygen levels may delay seeking and receiving of appropriate and timely medical attention;
•Pay attention to other signs or symptoms of low oxygen levels;
•Initiating or increasing therapy due to pulse oximeter readings without consulting a health care provider is not intended and may lead to harm;
•Pulse oximeters may not accurately estimate blood oxygenation and there is a range of uncertainty about the displayed SpO2 value as to the true blood oxygenation level. SpO2
error may increase with decreasing true blood oxygenation level;
•Differences in skin pigmentation may cause differences in pulse oximeter sensor performance and thereby impact SpO2 readings, especially in very low oxygen levels;
•Trends in measurement may be more meaningful than one single measurement;
•Not all blood oxygenation values have been verified with clinical performance testing; see overview of performance studies for range of SaO2 values tested for this device;
•Environmental and physiologic conditions may contribute to poor pulse oximeter performance or adverse events;
•Continuous use longer than recommended in the labeling may incur patient injury;
•Continuous sensor wear that restrict movement(s) may interfere with normal activity and age-appropriate development (e.g., turning over, crawling, standing, walking, playing);
•Alarms or alerts may interfere with sleep stages of user and caregiver(s).
⑤ 预防措施
* 对患者接触的材料过敏;和
* 传感器应用部位的皮肤完整性差。
⑥ 用法说明
* 优化氧饱和度测量的说明应考虑最佳位置(如解剖位置和几何形状)、条件和稳定的SpO2值(如有);
* 关于如何评估/使用信号质量指标(如调制百分比)和理解波形(如有)的说明;
* 对于准确的SpO2和脉率值,考虑信号不足的说明(例如,由于信号强度低、读数不稳定);
* 考虑百分比调制范围(如有),以及提高百分比调制以实现精确脉搏血氧计性能的方法;
* 皮肤完整性应用部位检查频率的说明;
* 传感器重新定位到不同测量位置的频率说明;以及
* 设备服务和维护信息,包括可重复使用的脉搏血氧仪和附件的清洁和消毒说明。
⑦ MR安全信息
建议参考FDA磁共振环境中医疗器械安全测试和标签指南,并使用ASTM F2503标准中的术语和符号。