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嘉峪检测网 2025-02-27 08:23
根据21 CFR 211.42(C)规定,FDA对于共线生产的法规要求是:应在明确规定的,大小适中的区域操作。企业在以下操作应有独立或指定的区域,或有其他必须的控制系统用以防止污染和混淆。
Your firm failed to perform operations within specifically defined areas of adequate size and to have separate or defined areas or such other control systems necessary to prevent contamination or mix-ups (21 CFR 211.42(c)).
Your firm manufactures over-the-counter (OTC) antibacterial hand soap and hand sanitizer drug products. You manufacture these drug products using the same equipment that you use to manufacture numerous non-pharmaceutical materials in your facility, including industrial detergents and degreasing products. It is unacceptable as a matter of CGMP to continue manufacturing drugs using the same equipment that you use to manufacture these non-pharmaceutical products due to the risk of cross-contamination.
企业未明确要求在空间足够的区域内进行生产操作,也未设有隔离或指定区域或必要的类似控制系统,用以防止污染或混淆(21 CFR 211.42(c))。
Your firm failed to have separate or defined areas or such other control systems necessary to prevent contamination or mix-ups (21 CFR 211.42(c)).
You manufacture finished drug products, including toothpaste and mouth rinse products containing sodium fluoride, stannous fluoride, and potassium nitrate using the same equipment you use to manufacture numerous nonpharmaceutical materials in your facility, including (b)(4). This product is labeled as "Caution: Keep away from children, do not consume and avoid contact with eyes."
The ingredients in your nonpharmaceutical products could contaminate the drug products that you manufacture on shared equipment, such as the various drugs for oral use discussed above. It is unacceptable as a matter of CGMP to continue manufacturing drugs using the same equipment you use to manufacture nonpharmaceutical products.
In your response, you state each "follow up batch" is tested for microbial analysis, pH, taste, and other attributes prior to the filling process, and that it is not standard for a manufacturer to have a tank for every product and every flavor. You also state you have purchased a swab kit and a luminometer to assess the cleanliness of surfaces.
企业没有单独的或指定的区域,或其他必要的控制系统来防止污染和混淆(21 CFR 211.42(c))。
Your firm failed to maintain adequate separate defined areas necessary to prevent contamination or mix-up (21 CFR 211.42(c)).
Your firm manufactured topical human drugs and several pesticides in the same building, using shared equipment. It is unacceptable as a matter of CGMP to continue manufacturing drugs using the same equipment that you use to manufacture pesticides or other non-pharmaceutical products due to the risk of cross-contamination.
Records we reviewed during our inspection and information you submitted in your response confirmed that two of the human drugs you manufactured contained the pesticide (b)(4). You manufactured the pesticide and the human drugs using shared equipment.
In your response, you committed to improving your contamination controls and to test for the presence of other cross-contaminating pesticides in other human drugs that you manufacture. You also described plans for a multi-phase shutdown during which you would make certain corrections, including discontinuing the use of shared equipment for human drug and non-pharmaceutical products, using self-contained suites for non-pharmaceutical manufacturing, and enhancing controls of in-process bulk material transport throughout your facility. These corrections will be verified on the next inspection.
If you intend to continue to manufacture both pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical products at your facility, provide a plan to show how you will maintain adequately separated and dedicated manufacturing equipment for your pharmaceutical and pesticide manufacturing operations. In addition, provide an analysis of your results for testing additional human drugs for pesticides and include a risk assessment for all drugs you have previously produced on equipment also used for pesticide production. For each product, assess the risk of potential contamination due to the shared equipment, and provide your plans for addressing the product quality and patient safety risks for any product still in distribution within expiry, including potential recalls or market withdrawals.
企业没有单独的或指定的区域,或其他必要的控制系统,用以防止污染和混淆(21 CFR 211.42(c))。
Your firm failed to maintain adequate separate defined areas necessary to prevent contamination or mix-up (21 CFR 211.42(c)).
Your firm uses the same mixing tank, mixers, and hoses to manufacture OTC topical drug products, (b)(4), and (b)(4). It is unacceptable as a matter of CGMP to continue manufacturing topical drugs using the same equipment that you use to manufacture industrial-grade products, including those that contain known skin irritants.
Our investigator observed a mixer motor, used to mix drug products in open tanks, covered in flaking paint. The investigator also observed a scale, used for weighing raw materials, covered in an unknown white powder and splattered with an unknown yellow liquid. You had no written cleaning procedures or documentation to show that this non-dedicated manufacturing equipment was cleaned between production of industrial-grade products and OTC drugs. You did not demonstrate that you maintained adequate separation to prevent the substances observed on your mixed-use equipment from contaminating your OTC topical drugs with ingredients from your non-pharmaceutical products.
In your response, you stated you would draft cleaning procedures for equipment and manufacturing areas. Although we acknowledge that you cleaned the manufacturing area and equipment during the inspection, your response is inadequate because you did not address the potential for cross-contamination posed by the manufacture of non-pharmaceutical products on the same equipment used to manufacture OTC drug products.
In response to this letter, discontinue manufacturing drugs on shared equipment in your facility. If you intend to continue to manufacture both pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical products at your facility, provide a plan to show how you will separate the areas in which you will maintain dedicated manufacturing equipment for your pharmaceutical manufacturing and industrial product manufacturing operations.
In addition, conduct a risk assessment for all drugs you have previously produced on equipment shared with industrial products. For each product, assess the risk of potential contamination due to the shared equipment, and provide your plans for addressing the product quality and patient safety risks for any product still in distribution, including potential recalls or market withdrawals.
企业没有防止污染和混淆所必需的足够的单独指定区域(21 CFR 211.42(c))
Your firm failed to maintain adequate separate defined areas necessary to prevent contamination or mix-up (21 CFR 211.42(c)).
You manufacture several over-the-counter (OTC) oral rinses and oral moisturizing drug products, including (b)(4), (b)(4) Mouth Moisturizer, and (b)(4) Oral Solution, for your customer, (b)(4) Products Inc. You manufacture these oral drug solutions using the same equipment that you use to manufacture numerous non-pharmaceutical materials in your facility, including an industrial car care product, (b)(4) Polish and Sealant.
This car care product is paraffin-based and labeled as “Harmful or fatal if swallowed” and “Keep out of reach of children.” You also manufacture other toxic non-pharmaceutical industrial and automotive care products, such as leather treatments ((b)(4) Leather Care, (b)(4) Leather Lotion) and sealants ((b)(4) Poly Sealant), using the same mixing tank and filling line you use for OTC oral drug products.
The ingredients in your non-pharmaceutical products are extremely difficult to remove from manufacturing equipment, and could contaminate the drug products that you manufacture on shared equipment, such as the various oral solutions discussed above. It is unacceptable as a matter of CGMP to continue manufacturing drugs using the same equipment that you use to manufacture toxic industrial-grade car care products.
In response to this letter, discontinue manufacturing drugs on shared equipment in your facility. If you intend to continue to manufacture both pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical products at your facility, provide a plan to show how you will separate the areas in which you will maintain dedicated manufacturing equipment for your pharmaceutical manufacturing and industrial product manufacturing operations.
In addition, conduct a risk assessment for all drugs you have previously produced on equipment shared with industrial products. For each product, assess the risk of potential contamination due to the shared equipment, and provide your plans for addressing the product quality and patient safety risks for any product still in distribution, including potential recalls or market withdrawals.
没有防止污染和混淆所必要的足够的单独指定区域(21 CFR 211.42(c))
企业为其客户XX Products Inc 生产OTC口腔冲洗液和口腔保湿液,包括XX、XX口腔保湿液和XX口服溶液。这些口服溶液与多个非药用物料(包括一种工业汽车护理产品XX抛光剂和密封胶)共用生产设备。