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嘉峪检测网 2025-03-13 08:20
近日,FDA发布了对Shree Jaya Laboratories PVT. LTD.的警告信,其中提及专用设备的清洁、可见异物投诉调查及数据完整性相关的问题:
可见异物的投诉,该公司将根本原因归因于XX设备的袋的清洁/使用不当。提出了更频繁地更换袋的 CAPA,但在检查期间发现某设备年久失修,内衬磨损和腐蚀。设备的某个单元位于室外,暴露在外部环境中,还观察到含有严重锈迹和一只死虫。该公司管理层承认设备状况和环境条件未被评估为潜在的污染源。
FDA在该公司的废弃物堆放场发现了几份原始的批生产记录,该公司解释说:一些批生产记录页面因化学品泄漏而损坏,并且这些页面已由 QA 部门更换。损坏的页面没有退回给QA,而是被送到了废品堆放场。
操作人员所执行的生产作不是自己记录的,而是随后由同时监督5 个生产车间的生产主管来完成,该公司解释说生产主管填写批生产记录是因为操作人员不精通英语。
1. 未清洁设备 用于防止污染或携带会改变的材料 中间体的质量超出官方或其他既定 规格。
您未能制定适当的程序 制造设备和设施的清洁和维护。我们 检查发现制造设备标记为“已清洁”,并发现 以下缺陷。例如:
(二)(4) #B-(b)(4)-404 在生产区块 - (b)(4) 中记录了设备使用情况 2024 年 9 月 5 日记录为“已根据 SOP 清洁”;然而,过多的 (b)(4) 颜色 当天晚些时候在 (b)(4) 内观察到残留物。 此 (b)(4) 用于制造 (b)(4)。
2024 年 9 月 5 日,XX生产区中的 #B-XX-404在设备使用日志中被记录为“已根据 SOP 清洁”;然而,当天晚些时候在XX部件内观察到过量的XX有色残留物。此部件用于制造xx产品。
(二)(4) #BI/(b)(4) 房间 #(b)(4) 用于制造 (b)(4) 中间体, 在 8 月 30 日的设备使用日志中记录为“已按照 SOP 清洁”, 2024;然而,在内部和外部都观察到 (b)(4) 设备的产品卸货区。
2024 年 8 月 30 日,用于制造某中间体的XX房间的XX设备,在使用日志中被记录为“已根据SOP 清洁”;然而,在设备的产品卸料区域的内部和外部观察到XX残留。
此外,用于 生产中使用的关键起始材料和中间体 的 API 未保持良好的修复状态。例如,天花板 上述 (b)(4) 位于生产区块 (b)(4) 之外 观察到有严重的污渍,有裂缝和掉落的石膏。这些 (b)(4) 是 用于制造 (b)(4)。
此外,用于制造关键原料和用于生产 API 中间体的厂房没有保持良好的维护状态。例如,位于生产大楼-(b)(4) 外的XX上方的天花板被观察到严重染色,并有裂缝和掉落的石膏。此设备用于制造XX产品。
在您的回复中,您指出 (b)(4) 加工区域使用的设备是专用的,并且 设备表面的 (b)(4) 对应于 相同的化合物,因此,预计不会有交叉污染。您承认 在确保遵守清洁规定方面监督不足 程序和对清洁间隔的监控不足。此外,您 指出日常卫生程序没有得到充分执行以防止 物质积累,但它们将得到加强。您还指出 立即采取的纠正措施是修复和恢复外面的天花板 生产区块-(b)(4)。
Your response is inadequate. Although you indicate cross-contamination may not be expected, product carryover and unknown impurities may form as a result of product build up on unclean equipment. You also do not acknowledge why personnel signed off on equipment usage logs as equipment being clean when it was not clean. In addition, no evidence of the ceiling repair was provided.
In response to this letter, provide the following:
A comprehensive, independent retrospective assessment of your cleaning effectiveness to evaluate the scope of cross-contamination hazards. Include the identity of residues, other manufacturing equipment that may have been improperly cleaned, and an assessment whether cross-contaminated products may have been released for distribution. The assessment should identify any inadequacies of cleaning procedures and practices, and encompass each piece of manufacturing equipment used to manufacture more than one product.
A corrective action and preventive action (CAPA) plan, based on the retrospective assessment of your cleaning program, that includes appropriate remediations to your cleaning processes and practices, and timelines for completion. Provide a detailed summary of vulnerabilities in your process for lifecycle management of equipment cleaning. Describe improvements to your cleaning program, including enhancements to cleaning effectiveness; improved ongoing verification of proper cleaning execution for all products and equipment; and all other needed remediations.
纠正措施和预防措施 (CAPA) 计划,基于对清洁程序的回顾性评估,包括对清洁工艺和实践的适当补救措施,以及完成时间表。提供设备清洁生命周期管理流程中漏洞的详细摘要。描述清洁程序的改进,包括提高清洁效果;改进对所有产品和设备正确清洁执行的持续确认;以及所有其他需要的补救措施。
2. Failure of your quality unit to ensure that quality-related complaints are investigated and resolved.
You failed to adequately investigate a complaint of(b)(4) particles in the intermediate, (b)(4), Stage-(b)(4), batch (b)(4). The root cause was attributed to improper cleaning/usage of the (b)(4) bag. A CAPA to change the (b)(4) bag more frequently (i.e., after (b)(4) batches instead of (b)(4) batches) was proposed.
你们未能充分调查中间体、(b)(4)、阶段性XX、批次(b)(4)中(b)(4)可见异物的投诉。根本原因归因于 (b)(4)袋的清洁/使用不当。提出了更频繁地更换(b)(4)袋的 CAPA(即,在(b)(4)批次而不是(b)(4)批次之后)。
The complaint investigation was deficient because it did not extend to other batches, as required by your procedure, and it failed to identify other potential causes of the(b)(4) particles. Despite CAPA implementation of more frequent (b)(4) bag changes, the (b)(4) in Production Block – (b)(4) was observed during the inspection to be in disrepair, with the interior lining worn and corroded. The (b)(4) is located outdoors, exposed to the outside environment, and was also observed to contain heavy rust and a dead insect. Your management acknowledged the condition of the equipment and environmental conditions were not evaluated as potential source(s) of the contamination.
此投诉调查存在缺陷,因为它没有按照你们的程序要求扩展到其他批次,并且未能确定 (b)(4) 颗粒的其他潜在原因。尽管 CAPA 实施了更频繁的(b)(4)换袋,但在检查期间观察到生产区 –(b)(4)的(b)(4)年久失修,内衬磨损和腐蚀。(b)(4)位于室外,暴露在外部环境中,还观察到含有严重锈迹和一只死虫。你们的管理层承认设备状况和环境条件未被评估为潜在的污染源。
In your response, you acknowledge your procedure for handling complaint investigations, but did not account for environmental conditions, which likely contributed to the complaint. You provided an addendum investigation report extending the investigation to other batches and including environmental conditions. You also state that the(b)(4) equipment will be upgraded and enclosed to create a controlled environment.
Your response is inadequate. You do not commit to conduct a retrospective review of all complaints to ensure they were adequately investigated, extended to other batches, and considered environmental conditions, if necessary.
In response to this letter, provide a comprehensive assessment of your overall system for investigating deviations, discrepancies, complaints, out-of-specification results, and failures. Provide a detailed action plan to remediate this system. Your action plan should include, but not be limited to, significant improvements in investigation competencies, scope determination, root cause evaluation, CAPA effectiveness, quality unit oversight, and written procedures. Address how your firm will ensure all phases of investigations are appropriately conducted.
回复此函,请对你们的整体系统进行全面评估,以调查偏差、差异、投诉、OOS结果和失败。提供详细的行动计划来修复此系统。你们的行动计划应包括但不限于调查能力、范围确定、根本原因评估、CAPA 有效性、质量单位监督和书面程序方面的重大改进。说明你们公司将如何确保调查的所有阶段都得到适当进行。
3. Failure of your quality unit to exercise its responsibility to ensure the intermediates manufactured at your facility are in compliance with CGMP.
你们的质量部门未能履行其责任以确保贵工厂生产的中间体符合 CGMP。
Several original batch production records were found torn in your scrapyard. The investigator asked to review the batch records associated with the torn documents. Your management then provided a second set of these batch records in question. During the inspection, no explanation was provided regarding how there could be two sets of original batch production records or who authorized the disposition of these documents.
In addition, batch production records are not completed contemporaneously. Batch records were observed to be stored in the Quality Assurance (QA) department while manufacturing operations were ongoing. Production tasks performed by operators were recorded later by the production supervisor, who was overseeing five production rooms at the same time.
此外,批生产记录没有同步完成。观察到在生产操作进行期间,批记录存放在质量保证(QA)部门。操作人员所执行的生产任务随后由同时监督 5 个生产车间的生产主管记录下来。
In your response, you state that some of the batch production record pages were damaged by chemical spillages and the pages were replaced by the QA department. The damaged pages were not returned to QA and were sent to the scrapyard. You explain that your production supervisor fills out the batch production records because your operators lack proficiency in English. You also state that several production staff members were unable to attend work due to illness, which is why one production supervisor had to oversee and record operations in multiple areas.
在你们的回复中,你们指出一些批生产记录页面因化学品溢出而损坏,并且这些页面已由 QA 部门更换。损坏的页面没有退回给QA,而是被送到了废品堆放场。你们解释说,你们的生产主管填写批生产记录是因为你们的操作人员不精通英语。你们还指出,几名生产人员因病无法上班,这就是为什么一名生产主管必须监督和记录多个区域操作的原因。
Your response is inadequate. You failed to provide supporting evidence of any incident or deviation regarding chemical spills on CGMP documents. You also do not address your practice of tearing CGMP documents and its potential impact, including ensuring accurate results were reported when the batch production records were recreated. In addition, there is no assurance that CGMP activities are adequately performed and documented, given that the records are not in a language understood by your employees executing such activities.
你们的回复是不充分的。你们未能提供与 CGMP 文件上化学品泄漏有关的任何事件或偏差的支持证据。你们也没有解决撕毁CGMP 文件记录的做法及其潜在影响,包括确保在重新创建批生产记录时报告准确的结果。此外,如果记录不是以执行此类活动的员工所理解的语言编写的,则无法保证CGMP 活动得到充分执行和记录。
Complete and accurate batch production and control records must be contemporaneously documented to ensure that manufacturing processes are consistently followed and reproducible. Additionally, incomplete manufacturing records deprive you of the ability to adequately investigate deviations.
Your quality system does not adequately ensure the accuracy and integrity of data to support the safety, effectiveness, and quality of the drugs you manufacture. See FDA’s guidance documentData Integrity and Compliance With Drug CGMP for guidance on establishing and following CGMP compliant data integrity practices at https://www.fda.gov/media/119267/download.
您的质量体系无法充分确保数据的准确性和完整性,以支持所生产的药物的安全性、有效性和质量。了解有关建立和遵循 CGMP 合规数据可靠性实践的指南,请参阅 FDA 指南《药物 CGMP 数据完整性和合规性》:https://www.fda.gov/media/119267/download。
In response to this letter provide a current risk assessment of the potential effects of the observed failures on the quality of your drugs. Your assessment should include analyses of the risks to patients caused by the release of drugs affected by a lapse of data integrity and analyses of the risks posed by ongoing operations.