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美国鸡蛋价格上涨 餐厅考虑饭菜提价

嘉峪检测网        2015-09-24 15:58

    食品伙伴网讯   据外媒报道,今年春季美国禽流感疫情肆虐,美国商业农场大量扑杀病鸡,导致鸡蛋产品供应出现短缺,价格上涨。





    Those who like to indulge in a good omelet or quiche at the local cafe should prepare to pay a little more - if it's even on the menu.

    Restaurants are struggling to deal with higher egg prices and an inability to get enough eggs and egg products in the midst of a shortage brought about by a bird flu virus that wiped out millions of chickens on commercial farms this spring. Some restaurants are pulling especially eggy dishes off menus while others are contemplating raising prices until the supply returns to normal.

    The H5N2 avian flu virus began showing up in Midwest commercial turkey and chicken farms this spring. To date, 48 million turkeys and chickens have died or were euthanized to prevent the virus from spreading further. The frequency of new cases has slowed dramatically in most states, though agriculture officials said last week that an Iowa chicken farm with 1 million egg-layers tested positive for the virus.





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