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嘉峪检测网        2015-09-28 22:09


    食品伙伴网讯   据外媒报道,《消费心理学杂志》(Journal of Consumer Psychology)刊登一项美国最新研究显示,儿童看了身材较胖的卡通人物之后会受到影响,让他们吃下更多垃圾食品。

    美国科罗拉多大学波尔德分校(University of Colorado at Boulder)里兹商学院(Leeds School ofBusiness)行销学教授康贝尔(Margaret Campbell)指出,体重超标的卡通影片人物,会给6岁到14岁儿童心中留下肥胖的印象,导致儿童对垃圾食品的摄取量相对变高。


    A scene of kids sacked out on the couch devouring cartoons has long been a sort of stock image that comes to mind when we see stories surrounding “the health crisis afflicting America's children.” They're inactive, snacking on chips, and being subjected to endless ads marketing high-calorie, low-nutrient foods to them. But what about the cartoons themselves? Could your kids' favorite characters be fueling their junk-food cravings?

    In a novel study published this week in the Journal of Consumer Psychology, researchers led by a team from the University of Colorado Boulder conducted a series of three related experiments to see whether something as simple as the physical appearance of a fictional character could make kids eat more unhealthy food.





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