通报号: G/SPS/N/NGA/8
ICS号: 67
发布日期: 2015-09-16
截至日期: 2015-09-16
通报成员: 尼日利亚
目标和理由: 保障食品安全
内容概述: 国家食品药物控制管理局(NAFDAC)2005年婴幼儿食品及其它产品营销法规详细说明了注册申请,幼儿喂养相关信息和教材、有关信息、教材及设备限制、禁止指定产品广告或促销、禁止厂家及分销商促销及指定产品标签。 它还规定了违规机构产品和辅料的限制、处罚和没收。
世界贸易组织 |
卫生及植物卫生措施委员会 |
通 报
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通报成员: 尼日利亚
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覆盖的产品: 幼儿配方食品、断奶后的配方食品、任何幼儿养育产品, 任何奶瓶喂养产品、饮料、奶(0402.2110.00)、谷物及其它婴幼儿用食品(1901.1000.00, 2106.9010.000)、奶瓶(3924.9020.00)、奶嘴(4014.9010.00)及安抚奶嘴或促进母乳喂养规定产品及食药局规定的此类其它产品
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可能受影响的地区或国家: 所有贸易伙伴
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通报标题: 2005年婴幼儿食品及其它产品营销法规:
语言:英文 页数:11页 链接网址:
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内容简述:国家食品药物控制管理局(NAFDAC) 2005年婴幼儿食品及其它产品营销法规详细说明了注册申请, 幼儿喂养相关信息和教材、有关信息、教材及设备限制、禁止指定产品广告或促销、禁止厂家及分销商促销及指定产品标签。
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与国际标准不符之处及原因: 食品法典委员会 CodexSTAN72-1981
该法规草案是否符合相关国际标准: 不符合标准 原因:
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可提供的相关文件及文件语种: 1999年母乳营销法案; 2005年预包装食品(标签)法规(提供英文)
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拟生效日期: 已生效
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意见反馈截止日期: 法规已生效
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负责处理反馈意见的机构: 国家咨询点 NAFDACNationalenquirypoint MsFloraMari AssistantChiefLaboratoryTechnologist DirectorateofFoodSafetyandAppliedNutrition NAFDAC E-mail:spsenquirypoint@nafdac.gov.ng Website:http://www.nafdac.gov.ng/regulations
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文本可从以下机构得到: 国家咨询点 NAFDACNationalenquirypoint MsFloraMari AssistantChiefLaboratoryTechnologist DirectorateofFoodSafetyandAppliedNutrition NAFDAC E-mail:spsenquirypoint@nafdac.gov.ng Website:http://www.nafdac.gov.ng/regulations
Notifying Member: Nigeria
If applicable, name of local government involved:
Agency responsible: National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and National Agency Control (NAFDAC)
Products covered (provide tariff item number(s) as specified in national schedules deposited with the WTO; ICS numbers should be provided in addition, where applicable): Infant formula, follow up formula, any product used for feeding of infant, any product to be fed by use of a feeding bottle, beverages, milk (0402.2110.00), cereals and other food intended for use by infant and young children (1901.1000.00, 2106.9010.000), feeding bottles (3924.9020.00), teats (4014.9010.00) and pacifier or products stated to promote breast feeding and such other products as may be specified by NAFDAC
Regions or countries likely to be affected, to the extent relevant or practicable:
[X] All trading partners
[ ] Specific regions or countries:
Title of the notified document: Marketing of Infant and Young Children Food and other products regulations 2005 Language(s): English Number of pages: 11
Description of content: The National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) Marketing of Infant and Young Children Food and Other Products Regulations 2005 specifies the application for registration, information and educational materials on infant feeding, restriction regarding information, educational materials and equipment, prohibition of advertisement or promotion of designated products, prohibition of promotion by manufacturers and distributors and labelling of designated products.
It prescribes the prohibition, penalties and forfeiture to the agency of the violating products and accessories.
Objective and rationale: [X] food safety, [ ] animal health, [ ] plant protection, [ ] protect humans from animal/plant pest or disease, [ ] protect territory from other damage from pests.
Is there a relevant international standard? If so, identify the standard:
[X] Codex Alimentarius Commission (e.g. title or serial number of Codex standard or related text) Codex STAN 72-1981
[ ] World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) (e.g. Terrestrial or Aquatic Animal Health Code, chapter number)
[ ] International Plant Protection Convention (e.g. ISPM number)
[ ] None
Does this proposed regulation conform to the relevant international standard?
[X] Yes [ ] No
If no, describe, whenever possible, how and why it deviates from the international standard:
Other relevant documents and language(s) in which these are available:
Marketing Breast Milk ACT of 1999
Pre-packaged Food (labelling) Regulations 2005 (available in English)
Proposed date of adoption (dd/mm/yy): This Regulation was adopted in 2005.
Proposed date of publication (dd/mm/yy): Already published
Proposed date of entry into force: [ ] Six months from date of publication, and/or (dd/mm/yy): Already in force.
[ ] Trade facilitating measure
Final date for comments: [ ] Sixty days from the date of circulation of the notification and/or (dd/mm/yy): The Regulation is already in force.
Agency or authority designated to handle comments: [ ] National Notification Authority, [X] National Enquiry Point. Address, fax number and e?mail address (if available) of other body:
NAFDAC National enquiry point
Ms Flora Mari
Assistant Chief Laboratory Technologist
Directorate of Food Safety and Applied Nutrition
E-mail: spsenquirypoint@nafdac.gov.ng
Website: http://www.nafdac.gov.ng/regulations
Text(s) available from: [ ] National Notification Authority, [X] National Enquiry Point. Address, fax number and e?mail address (if available) of other body:
NAFDAC National enquiry point
Ms Flora Mari
Assistant Chief Laboratory Technologist
Directorate of Food Safety and Applied Nutrition
E-mail: spsenquirypoint@nafdac.gov.ng
Website: http://www.nafdac.gov.ng/regulations