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沙特恢复执行插头标准SASO 2203: 2015

嘉峪检测网        2016-08-24 15:40

沙特标准局SASO于2016年6月21日开会决定原推迟和暂缓执行的沙特标准SASO 2203: 2015版(适用于家用或类似用途的250V/13A插头插座测试方法及安规要求)现恢复生效,立即执行。但SASO2203: 2015其中几个条款1.0.1、、5.5.1 & 5.5.2(如下表)可暂时按照旧版SASO2203: 2003的相应条款执行,直到另行通知。

SASO 2203: 2015版

SASO 2203: 2003版

C.1.0.1:配线导体的截面积不小于1.5mm2 对配线导体的截面积没有明确要求。 因此,可以参考整机标准进行配线。

Cl.保险丝应满足SASO 1899标准

Cl.4.3.8   规定的保险丝。(BS 1362 保险丝是可以接受的。)

Cl.5.5.1   & Cl.5.5.2 规定的温升测试 Cl.5.5 规定的温升测试


SASO’s Board of Directors held a meeting (Meeting No. 156) on 16th of Ramadan 1437 AH corresponding to 21st June 2016 and adopted the following resolutions: The mandatory application of some clauses of Saudi Standard No. SASO 2203: 2015 version has been postponed until further notice. The corresponding clauses from the previous version of Saudi Standard No. 2203 (i.e. 2003 version) shall be applied until the Standard is revised. The affected clauses have been identified and presented in the below Table. 

SASO 2203: 2015 Version

SASO 2203: 2003 Version

C.1.0.1: Conductor Cross Sectional Area Corresponding clause for Conductor Cross Sectional Area is   absent. Therefore the appliance standard is applicable for this requirement.

Cl. Fuses

Cl.4.3.8 for Fuses shall apply.
Cl.5.5.1 & Cl.5.5.2 Temperature rise Test Cl.5.5 for Temperature rise Test shall apply


