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嘉峪检测网 2015-09-13 08:13
食品伙伴网讯 据外媒报道,星巴克(Starbucks)已经停止在咖啡杯上写字鼓励讨论种族议题的活动,因为许多人抱持怀疑态度,而且觉得很讽刺。
星巴克老板舒兹(Howard Schultz)表示,“种族团结”(Race Together)活动已于22日结束,它“只是启动更广泛和更长期对话的媒介而已”。舒兹上周指示店员在咖啡杯上写上“种族团结”的标语,来开启种族议题讨论。
星巴克全球沟通部资深副总裁杜布罗瓦(Corey duBrowa)表示,他收到如潮水般涌来的负面评论,因此暂时关闭推特帐号。许多人认为这个活动只是个宣传噱头。
Twitter has ruthlessly mocked Starbucks campaign for the company's new anti-racism campaign in which baristas talk to customers about race issues while serving their coffee.
One user tweeted, 'I don't have time to explain 400 years of oppression to you & still make my train', while another pointed out, 'y'all realize there are no coloured hands in the press photos right'.
A third speculated, 'maybe Starbucks actually wanted to get people of all races & ethnicities to join hands and make fun'.