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嘉峪检测网 2024-12-03 08:42
In spite of the fact that it is a basic GMP requirement to release a batch only after final testing has been carried out, and although this is described clearly and explicitly in the pharmaceutical guidelines, FDA inspectors repeatedly encounter in some cases serious GMP violations in the area of quality control of finished products when they carry out inspections on site.
The following chart shows the percentage of Warning Letters addressed to manufacturers of drug products because of deficiencies concerning the requirements of 211.165 over a period of five years.
下表显示了在五年内,由于放行检测(21 CFR 211.165,法规内容见文末)的缺陷而致药品生产商的警告信的百分比。
Figure 1: Percentage of Warning Letters with notifications of deficiencies associated with the testing of the finished product according to 21 CFR 211.165 for the fiscal years 2019 - 2023
图1:根据2019-2023财政年度21 CFR 211.165,含有与成品测试相关缺陷通知的警告信百分比
The percentage of Warning Letters citing 211.165 has settled at a little over 40% in the last two fiscal years. In absolute numbers this means 30 Warning Letters in the FY 2023 and 18 in the FY 2022.
Categorisation of GMP Deficiencies Associated with the Release Testing of the Finished Product
The deficiencies described in the Warning Letters can be divided into the following categories:
No Microbiological Testing
One of the GMP deficiencies cited most often in the Waning Letters is the lack of testing of the finished product for objectionable microorganisms according to 211.165(b). FDA inspectors have observed this especially at producers of hand sanitizers.
Incomplete Release Testing
This deficiency is described nearly as often. Contrary to the requirements of 211.165(a) according to which release testing shall include testing for compliance with the specifications of the finished product including identity and strength of the active ingredient, manufacturers have released their drug products on the basis of incomplete testing (such as odour, appearance or other physical parameters). In single cases the product was even released prior to the receipt of the test results.
The lack of testing of the batches of the finished product for impurities is also described several times in the Warning Letters.
No Acceptance of Responsibility for the Release Testing
Several contract companies finishing the product for instance by only filling it up have transferred the responsibility for release testing to the customer. But according to the FDA the production site carrying out the last manufacturing step immediately prior to the release of the drug product is obliged to carry out the batch release. FDA considers the transferral of responsibility to be a GMP violation.
No Rejection of the Batch in Case of a Failed Release Testing
In several cases the quality control unit did not reject a batch or place a hold on it after the final testing failed.
Use of Non-validated Methods for the Release Testing
According to 211.165(e) only validated methods may be used for release testing. In some cases, FDA inspectors discovered that the quality control units released batches of the finished product after testing with non-validated methods.
Follow-up Requests from the FDA
Usually Warning Letters contain a follow-up request for documents/evidence in respect to each GMP deficiency associated with one of the paragraphs of CFR 211. In the case of 211.165 the FDA demands the following:
通常警告信包含对与CFR 211段相关的每个GMP缺陷的文件/证据的后续要求。在211.165案例中,FDA要求如下:
A list of chemical and microbial specificationsof the finished product, including the relevant test methods.
Anaction plan and timelines for conducting full chemical and microbiological testing of retain samples of all batches distributed to the United States that are within expiry as of the date of the Warning Letter.
Asummary of the results obtained from testing retain samples.
Acomprehensive independent assessment of the methods, procedures, equipment, documentation of the quality control unit, and analyst competencies. Based on this review, provision of a detailed plan to remediate the deficiencies and evaluation of the effectiveness of the laboratory system.
If these proofs can be provided in the course of an FDA inspection the topic „release testing“ shouldn‘t pose a problem.
FDA对成品批次放行测试的要求如联邦法规21 CFR 211.165所述,测试和放行分销是强制性的。该条款的六节载有下列规定:
(b) 每批药品应进行适当的实验室检测,以确保无不良微生物。
(c) 任何取样和测试计划应以书面程序描述,其中应包括取样方法和每批待测试的样品数量。应遵循上述书面程序。
(d) 质量部门进行的取样和检测的接受标准应足以确保药品批次符合每一适当的规格和适当的统计质量控制标准,这是放行他们的条件。统计质量控制标准应包括适当的接受水平和/或适当的拒绝水平。
(e) 所采用的检测方法的准确性、灵敏度、特异性和可重复性应建立并形成文件。此类验证和文件可以按照§211.194(a)(2)完成。
(f) 不符合制定的标准、规范和其他有关质量控制标准的药品应当予以拒收。可以进行再加工。在接受和使用之前,再加工的产品必须符合适当的质量标准、规格和任何其他相关标准。