用一个金刚石圆锥(HRC)或经硬化的(钨)钢球压头(HRB等),以10kgf的预载荷和60, 100, 或 150kgf的主试验力压入被测材料表面。
Indenting the test materialwith a diamond cone (HRC) orhardened (tungsten) steel ball indentor (HRB etc.)applying a preload of 10kgffirst and a main test force of 60kgf, 100kgf, or150kgf.
依据设定的标尺,用一个金刚石圆锥或经硬化的(钨)钢球压头压入被测材料表面。表面洛氏测量应用的力值较小,产生的压痕较浅,多用于相对易碎和很薄的材料中。预载荷为3kgf,主试验力为15, 30, 或45kgf。
Rockwell Superficial (HR scales)Indenting the test materialwith a diamond cone orhardened (tungsten) steel ball indentor, depending onthe scale
preliminary set. The Superficial Rockwell scales use lower force andshallowerimpressions on brittle and very thin materials.Applying a preload of 3kgffirst and a main test force of15kgf, 30kgf, or 45kgf.
Indenting the test materialwith a diamond indentor, inthe form of an inverted perfect pyramid with asquare base and an angle of 136degrees between opposite faces, subjected totest forces of 1kgf to 120kgf.A microscope or USB camerais used to visualize andmeasure the indentation.
Indenting the test materialwith a diamond indentor, inthe form of an inverted perfect pyramid with asquare base and an angle of 136degrees between opposite faces, subjected totest forces usually not exceeding1kgf.A precision microscope orhigh resolution USB camera isused to visualize and measure the indentations,
magnifications up to 600x are most common. However, magnifications up to1000xare becoming popular as well.
Indenting the test materialwith a “elongated” diamondpyramid, subjected to test forces usually notexceeding 1kgf.A precision microscope orhigh resolution USB camera isused to visualize and measure the indentations,magnifications up to 600x aremost common.
以1 - 3000kgf的试验力,将直径分别为1, 2.5, 5或10mm的硬质合金球或碳化钢球压入被测材料表面。相对大的压痕则应用显微镜或USB摄像头来进行视频观测及测量。
Indenting the to be testedmaterial with a 1, 2.5, 5, or10mm diameter hardened steel or carbide ballsubjected to a load/force rangingfrom 1kg to 3000kg. A microscope or USBcamera is used to visualize and measurethe rather large
Leeb (HL) (rebound method)Portable hardness testing.An impact body which has aspherical tungsten carbide tip,is impelled onto the test surface by springforce.The impact creates aplastic deformation of the surface,an indentation, due to which the impact bodyloses part of its original speed(or energy). Consequently, the softer thematerial is, the more speed will belost at rebound of the impact body.Applicable for a widevariety of components, minimum testrequirements should be obeyed.
Portable hardness testing.A Vickers shaped diamondindentor fixed on a vibrating rodthat presses on the test surface with aspecific force and then measures itshardness by applying ultrasonic vibrationsand analyzing its damping effect.Commonly used for small,thin components that cannot betested by rebound hardness testers.
Portable (rubber/plastics)hardness testing.The hardness value isdetermined by pressing the indentorfoot firmly onto the sample. The indentoris connected to a linear measuringdevice and measures the indent depth whichis then converted through amechanical or an electronical system to the Shore value.The deeper the indent,the softer the material.
Measures the indentationresistance of elastomeric orrubber materials based on the depth of penetrationof a ball indentor.An initial contact force isapplied to a 1, 2.5 or 5mmball indentor and the penetration is set to zero.
The force is increased to a specified total load and the depth ofthepenetration is measured. The IRHD value is related to the depth ofindentorpenetration.The method is commonly usedfor testing small parts andO-rings.
Portable hardness testing.The object to be tested isplaced between the anvil andthe penetrator.Pressure is then applied tothe handles until “bottom” isfelt, at which time the dial indicator is read.There are different typesof indentors and different forcesettings for different materials.
以下的硬度测试方式是不常用的或是已经被其他方法所代替的:• HM 马顿斯硬度(压痕测试装置,之前用HU表示-通用硬度)
Less common hardness scalesThe following hardnessmethods are less frequently used orsuperseded by other methods:
HM Martens(instrumented indentation testing,formerly HU –universal hardness)
H Ball indentation hardness
HVT Modified Vickers method, depthmeasurement
HBT Modified Brinell method, depthmeasurement
BARCOL Impressionhardness