近日,瑞士药监局发布了EU GMP附录1《无菌药品生产》(同时也是PIC/S和WHO GMP附录1)的解读文件,该文件侧重于新版EU、PIC/S和WHO GMP附录1的一些最重要的变化,也涵盖了长期以来反复引起问题的方面。反映了检查员对这些主题的一般意见,并在无菌药品制造商检查期间提供支持。
1 Purpose and scope
2 Basics
3 Definitions and abbreviations
4 Interpretation: Questions and Answers
4.1 Scope (Annex 1, Chapter 1)
4.2 Premises (Annex 1, Chapter 4)
4.3 Utilities (Annex 1, Chapter 6)
4.4 Personnel/Training (Annex 1, Chapter 7)
4.5 Production and Specific Technologies (Annex 1, Chapter 8)
4.6 Environmental & Process monitoring (Annex 1, Chapter 9)
4.7 Quality Control (QC) (Annex 1, Chapter 10)
5 Changes to the previous version
Is it always required to strictly adhere to the area cleanliness cascade (i.e., respecting the sequential order of cleanroom classes) for material transfer through airlocks or pass-through hatches or is it possible to skip a grade (e.g., moving from CNC directly to class C) under certain circumstances?
Compliance with the cleanroom sequence for the transfer of materials via airlocks or pass-through hatches is expected to be fulfilled for zones A and B (exceptions from this rule are possible for sterility test rooms). For cleanroom areas with lower classification, it is principally feasible for materials to be transferred from one low zone (CNC) through an airlock or pass-through hatch directly into an area with two grades higher classification (grade C area), provided that suitable technical and/or procedural measures are established ensuring fulfilment of the cleanroom specifications in the respective areas. The adequacy of the established systems/procedures needs to be demonstrated by appropriate qualification activities and the results of regular environmental monitoring. The defined measures and the risk analyses on which they are based must be part of the CCS.
文件提及对于不能满足新版附录1所有要求的旧屏障技术(RABS或隔离器)系统,公司必须对当前的屏障技术进行深入的内部评估,并评估安装、洁净室背景和所有相关系统/程序是否符合新版附录1 的要求,或者是否需要采取技术措施。如有必要,必须启动一个项目,例如升级背景洁净室并安装额外的气闸。从 2023 年8月 25 日起,所有不符合新版附录 1 的屏障技术设备均被视为有缺陷,并将在检查期间发现偏差(缺陷)时发布偏差(缺陷)。根据CAPA计划和确定的临时风险降低措施,可以接受大约一年的额外实施时间表。
What are the expectations for older barrier technology systems that do not meet all the requirements according to the new Annex 1? By when do they have to be replaced or upgraded?
The company has to perform an in-depth internal evaluation of the current barrier technology and assess whether the installation, its cleanroom background and all related systems/procedures meet the requirements of the new Annex 1 or whether technical measures are required. If necessary, a project has to be initiated for example to upgrade the cleanroom used as background and install additional airlocks. From August 25th 2023, all barrier technology equipment not com plying with the revised Annex 1 are considered deficient and deviations will be issued upon findings during inspections. Depending on the CAPA plan and interim risk reducing measures defined, an additional implementation timeline of approx. one year may be acceptable.
公司必须对当前的屏障技术进行深入的内部评估,并评估安装、洁净室背景和所有相关系统/程序是否符合新版附录1 的要求,或者是否需要采取技术措施。如有必要,必须启动一个项目,例如升级背景洁净室并安装额外的气闸。从 2023 年 8 月 25 日起,所有不符合新版附录 1 的屏障技术设备均被视为有缺陷,并将在检查期间发现偏差(缺陷)时发布偏差(缺陷)。根据CAPA计划和确定的临时风险降低措施,可以接受大约一年的额外实施时间表。
Is it acceptable that for barrier technology systems with unidirectional air flow other air speed and speed measurement positions are defined than those mentioned in Annex 1?
The most important requirement for barrier technology systems stated in paragraph 4.30 is that the air velocity in unidirectional airflow systems must be defined in such a way that unidirectional and uniform airflow conditions prevail at the working positions where high-risk operations take place, suitable to protect the product and open components (e.g., containers) from contamination. The air speed range of 0.36 - 0.54 m/s is, as stated in the above paragraph itself, merely a guideline value that has been encountered in the pharmaceutical industry for decades. Annex 1, however, clearly allows for the establishment of alternative air speed ranges or measurements at different heights in the system than the working position, provided this is “scientifically justified in the CCS”. It is important that the suitability of the defined airflow conditions is proven by airflow visualisation studies (part of the system qualification) covering the entire sys tem and that these are correlated with the respective defined air speed range at specified height/position. The air speed must be measured continuously during operations and kept within this defined range.
第4.30款所述的屏障技术系统的最重要要求是,单向流系统中的风速必须以这样一种方式,即在发生高风险操作的工作位置上普遍存在单向和均匀的气流条件,适合保护产品和打开的部件(例如容器)免受污染。0.36 - 0.54 m/s 的风速范围,如上段所述,只是制药行业几十年来遇到的一个指导值。然而,附录1明确允许在系统中与工作位置不同的高度建立替代风速范围或测量值,前提是这“在 CCS 中具有科学合理性”。重要的是,通过涵盖整个系统的气流可视化研究(系统确认的一部分)来证明所定义的气流条件的适用性,并且这些研究与指定高度/位置下各自定义的风速范围相关联。在运行过程中必须连续测量风速,并保持在此定义的范围内。
Where should process gas be monitored?
The monitoring of process gas should be performed as close as possible before the sterilization filter (the level of contamination before sterilization should be under control to ensure the efficiency of the gas sterilization process).
Sterilisation: what are the required loading patterns for initial and periodic autoclave (re-) validations?
Initially each loading pattern must be validated. Re-validation of each loading pattern must be done annually. If a suitable worst-case load (the same material, same loading pattern, same cycle) for re-validation (backed up with data) can be identified, not every load of this material needs to be re-vali dated. A theoretical reference load is not acceptable, as 8.36 states that “each type of load” needs to be validated.
首次验证必须验证每个装载模式。必须每年对每种装载模式进行再验证。如果可以确定合适的最差情况装载(相同的材料、相同的装载模式、相同的程序)进行再验证(有数据备份),则并非该材料的每个装载都需要再验证。理论上的参考装载是不可接受的,因为 8.36款规定“每种类型的装载”都需要验证。
Is a pre-use / post-sterilisation integrity testing (“PUPSIT”) of sterilising grade filters used in aseptically processes mandatory?
The expectation is that PUPSIT be applied to verify the integrity of the sterilized filter assembly. However, paragraph 8.87 allows some flexibility in justified cases supported by risk analysis and covered in the CCS.