血管钙化(vascular calcification)是动脉粥样硬化、高血压、糖尿病血管病变、血管损伤、慢性肾病和衰老等普遍存在的共同的病理表现。
Shockwave 概览
去年3月,健适医疗与美国上市公司Shockwave Medical成立由健适控股的合资公司,引进全球顶尖的医疗新科技 --"血管内冲击波"钙化处理技术,由此加速国产化的进程。
笔者注意到,5月9日ShockWave Medical(股票代码:SWAV)公布财报,公告显示公司2022财年第一财季归属于母公司普通股股东净利润为1452.10万美元,同比增长161.53%;营业收入为9363.10万美元,同比上涨193.51%。
ShockWave Medical, Inc.成立于2009年6月17日,是一家专注于开发和商业化产品的医疗器械公司,旨在改变钙化心血管疾病的治疗方式。他们的目标是通过其用于治疗钙化斑块的声压力波的差异化和专有的局部递送来建立医疗器械治疗动脉粥样硬化性心血管疾病的新标准,它们称为血管内碎石术(“IVL”)。
产品基于体外碎石冲击波原理改进而来,将聚焦式高强度 能量改为发散式低强度能量,通过血管内导管方式导入外周血管对钙化病变部位进行松解,以缓解血管狭窄程度或便于后续治疗。
Low profile electrodes for an angioplasty shock wave catheter |
Currently, angioplasty balloons are used to open calcified lesions in the wall of an artery. However, as an angioplasty balloon is inflated to expand the lesion in the vascular wall, the inflation pressure stores a tremendous amount of energy in the balloon until the calcified lesion breaks or cracks. That stored energy is then released and may stress and injure the wall of the blood vessel. |
Described herein are low-profile electrodes for use with an angioplasty shockwave catheter. A low-profile electrode assembly may have an inner electrode, an insulating layer disposed over the inner electrode such that an opening in the insulating layer is aligned with the inner electrode, and an outer electrode sheath disposed over the insulating layer such that an opening in the outer electrode sheath is coaxially aligned with the opening in the insulating layer. This layered configuration allows for the generation of shockwaves that propagate outward from the side of the catheter. In some variations, the electrode assembly has a second inner electrode, and the insulating layer and outer electrode may each have a second opening that are coaxially aligned with the second inner electrode. An angioplasty shockwave catheter may have a plurality of such low-profile electrode assemblies along its length to break up calcified plaques along a length of a vessel. |
Shockwave catheter system with energy control |
A still further important aspect of prior art attempts to use shock waves from electrical arcs for therapeutic purposes is that from the time the high voltage is first applied to the electrodes to the time in which the arc occurs there is a dwell time (Td) that is highly variable from one high voltage application to the next. To account for the dwell times that are long, prior art strategies have relied upon high voltage applications where all high voltage pulse durations or pulse widths are of the same length and of a length sufficient to extend through the longest of the anticipated dwell times plus the associated arc and steam bubble. As a result, when the dwell times are shorter than the maximum, the high voltage application durations are longer than necessary and can unnecessarily extend the arc and the steam bubble well beyond a time required to produce a shock wave of maximum intensity. The result is wasted energy, extended electrode erosion, and unnecessary heating of the adjoining tissue. |
A system that breaks calcium in a liquid includes a catheter including first and second electrodes arranged to receive there-across a high electrical voltage at an initial low current. The high electrical voltage causes an electrical arc to form across the electrodes creating a gas bubble within the liquid, a high current to flow through the electrodes, and a mechanical shock wave. A power source provides the electrodes with the high electrical voltage at the initial current and terminates the high electrical voltage in response to the high current flow through the electrodes. |
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