Is there a normative source for the fact that the reviewer of a documentcannot be the same person who prepared it?
Expert answer from a GMP inspector:
The "four-eyes principle" is an essential pillar of qualityassurance in the GMP area. The necessity of a dual control principle fordocuments should be decided on the basis of risk considerations and is appliedin particular to all documents required by regulatory authorities (e.g.manufacturing instructions/records or test instructions/records). In myopinion, all instructions and the corresponding records that serve to provideevidence of conformity with GMP requirements and the functioning of the QMS aresubject to approval.
I would expect that a company-internal SOP or equivalent document wouldspecify which documents are to be authorised at least according to the"four-eyes principle" or the "six-eyes principle" (author,reviewer, approver).
Although the EU GMP Guide does not contain any formal procedures fordocument authorisation that I am aware of, a number of references to the"four-eyes principle" and to review can be found:
EU GMP Guide, Chapter 4:
Principles: "Suitable controls should be implemented toensure the accuracy, integrity, availability and legibility of documents."
4.2 "Documents should be designed, prepared, reviewed, anddistributed with care."
4.21 c: "Identification (initials) of the operator(s) whoperformed each significant step of the process and, where appropriate, the nameof any person who checked these operations;"
4.21 c:“执行工艺的每一重要步骤的操作人员的姓名(首字母),以及在适当时,检查这些操作的任何人员的姓名;”
EU GMP Guide Annex 13, Article 33:
"The operation should be performed in accordance with GMP principles,specific and standard operating procedures and under contract, if applicable,and should be checked by a second person."
211.100 (a) des CFR FDA requires theinvolvement of the Quality Control Unit in the preparation of records:
FDA CFR 211.100 (a) 要求质量控制单位参与记录的准备工作:
"These written procedures, including any changes, shall be drafted,reviewed, and approved by the appropriate organizational units and reviewed andapproved by the quality control unit."
Clause 4.2.3 of ISO 9001 regulates the control of documents and formulates clear requirements.According to DIN EN ISO 9000, a document is considered controlled if its lifecycle is defined in all sub-steps (preparation, review, approval, distribution,withdrawal of old versions) and can be traced at any time.
ISO 9001第4.2.3条规定了文件的控制,并制定了明确的要求。根据DIN EN ISO 9000,如果一个文件的生命周期被定义为所有子步骤(准备、审核、批准、分发、旧版本撤回),并且任何时候都可追溯,那么这个文件就是受控的。