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ISO 14155.3人类受试者的医疗器械临床研究——良好的临床实践

嘉峪检测网        2022-06-02 02:26


Third edition 第三版 2020-07


Clinical investigation of medical devices for human subjects — Good clinical practice




Investigation clinique des dispositifs médicaux pour sujets humains — Bonne pratique clinique





Clinical investigation of medical devices for human subjects — Good clinical practice人类受试者的医疗器械临床研究-良好的临床实践


1. Scope范围


2. Normative references引用标准


3. Terms and definitions术语和定义


4. Summary of good clinical practice (GCP) principles良好临床实践(GCP)原则概述


5. Ethical considerations伦理考虑


5.1. General概述


5.2. Improper influence or inducement不当影响或诱导


5.3. Compensation and additional health care补偿和额外的医疗保健


5.4. Registration in publicly accessible database在公共可访问数据库中注册


5.5. Responsibilities责任


5.6. Communication with the ethics committee (EC)与伦理委员会的沟通


5.7. Vulnerable populations弱势人群


5.8. Informed consent知情同意


6. Clinical investigation planning临床研究计划


6.1. General概述


6.2. Risk management风险管理


6.3. Justification for the design of the clinical investigation临床研究设计的合理性


6.4. Clinical investigation plan (CIP)临床研究计划


6.5. Investigator's brochure (IB)研究者手册


6.6. Case report forms (CRFs)病例报告表


6.7. Monitoring plan监查计划


6.8. Investigation site selection研究中心选择


6.9. Agreement(s)协议


6.10. Labelling标签


6.11. Data monitoring committee (DMC)数据监查委员会


7. Clinical investigation conduct临床研究实施


7.1. General概述


7.2. Investigation site initiation研究中心启动


7.3. Investigation site monitoring


7.4. Adverse events and device deficiencies不良事件和器械缺陷


7.5. Clinical investigation documents and documentation临床研究文件和文档


7.6. Additional members of the investigation site team研究中心小组的额外成员


7.7. Subject privacy and confidentiality of data受试者隐私和数据保密


7.8. Document and data control文件和数据控制


7.9. Investigational device accountability研究器械管理


7.10. Accounting for subjects受试者审查


7.11. Auditing稽查


8. Suspension, termination, and close-out of the clinical investigation暂停、终止和结束临床研究


8.1. Completion of the clinical investigation完成临床试验


8.2. Suspension or premature termination of the clinical investigation暂停或提前终止临床研究


8.3. Routine close-out常规关中心


8.4. Clinical investigation report临床研究报告


8.5. Risk assessment and conclusions风险评估和结论


8.6. Document retention文件保存


9. Responsibilities of the sponsor申办者的职责


9.1. Clinical quality management临床质量管


9.2. Clinical investigation planning and conduct临床研究的计划和实施


9.3. Outsourcing of duties and functions职责和职能的外包


9.4. Communication with regulatory authorities与监管机构沟通


10. Responsibilities of the principal investigator主要研究者的职责


10.1. General概述


10.2. Qualification of the principal investigator主要研究者的资格


10.3. Qualification of investigation site研究中心的资格


10.4. Communication with the EC与伦理委员会沟通


10.5. Informed consent process知情同意过程


10.6. Compliance with the CIP研究方案的依从性


10.7. Medical care of subjects受试者的医疗保健


10.8. Safety reporting安全性报告


Annex A Clinical investigation plan (CIP) 附件A临床研究计划


A.1. General概述


A.1.1. Introduction介绍


A.1.2. Identification of the clinical investigation plan临床研究计划的识别信息


A.1.3. Sponsor申办者


A.1.4. Principal investigator, coordinating investigator and investigation site(s)主要研究者,协调研究员和研究中心


A.1.5. Overall synopsis of the clinical investigation临床研究的总体摘要


A.2. Identification and description of the investigational device研究器械的识别和描述


A.3. Justification for the design of the clinical investigation临床研究设计的合理性


A.4. Benefits and risks of the investigational device, clinical procedure, and clinical investigation试验器械、临床流程和临床研究的受益和风险


A.5. Objectives and hypotheses of the clinical investigation临床研究的目的和假设


A.6. Design of the clinical investigation临床研究设计


A.6.1. General概述


A.6.2. Investigational device(s) and comparator(s)研究器械和对照产品


A.6.3. Subjects受试者


A.6.4. Procedures流程


A.6.5. Monitoring plan监查计划


A.7. Statistical design and analysis统计设计和计划


A.8. Data management数据管理


A.9. Amendments to the CIP临床研究计划的修订


A.10. Deviations from clinical investigation plan临床研究计划的偏离


A.11. Device accountability器械管理


A.12. Statements of compliance合规性声明


A.13. Informed consent process知情同意过程


A.14. Adverse events, adverse device effects, and device deficiencies不良事件、器械不良反应和器械缺陷


A.15. Vulnerable population (if applicable)弱势人群(如适用)


A.16. Suspension or premature termination of the clinical investigation暂停或提前中止临床研究


A.17. Publication policy出版政策


A.18. Bibliography参考文献


Annex B Investigator's brochure 附件B (IB)研究者手册


B.1. General概述


B.1.1. Introduction介绍


B.1.2. Identification of the IB研究者手册的识别信息


B.1.3. Sponsor/manufacturer申办者/制造商


B.2. Investigational device information研究器械信息


B.3. Preclinical testing临床前测试


B.4. Existing clinical data现有的临床数据


B.5. Risk management of the investigational device研究器械的风险管理


B.6. Regulatory and other references法规和其他参考


Annex C Case report forms (CRFs) 附件C 病例报告表


C.1 General概述105


C.2 Content and format内容与格式


C.2.1 Overall considerations总体考虑


C.2.2 Cover page/login screen封面/登录界面


C.2.3 Header or footer/e-CRF identifier页眉或页脚/电子病例报告表的标识符


C.2.4 Types of CRF病例报告表形式


C.3 Procedural issues发布流程


Annex D Clinical investigation report 附件D 临床研究报告


D.1 General概述


D.2 Cover page封面


D.3 Table of contents目录内容


D.4 Summary概要


D.5 Introduction介绍


D.6 Investigational device and methods研究器械和方法


D.6.1 Investigational device description研究器械描述


D.6.2 Clinical investigation plan (CIP)临床研究计划


D.7 Results结果


D.8 Discussion and overall conclusions讨论与结论


D.9 Abbreviated terms and definitions缩写的术语和定义


D.10 Ethics伦理


D.11 Investigators and administrative structure of clinical investigation临床研究的研究者和管理结构


D.12 Signature page签单页


D.13 Annexes to the report报告附件


Annex E Essential clinical investigation documents 附件E 临床研究基本文件


Annex F Adverse event categorization 附件F 不良事件分类


Annex G EC responsibilities 附件G伦理委员会职责


G.1 General概述


G.2 Responsibilities职责


G.3 Composition, functions, and operations组成、功能和实施


G.4 Information needed所需信息


G.5 Procedures流程


G.6 EC approval/favourable opinion letters伦理委员会批准/赞同意见函


G.7 Records记录


Annex H Application of ISO 14971 to clinical investigations  附件H ISO14971在临床研究中的应用


Annex I Clinical development stages 附件I 临床研发阶段


I.1 Background背景


I.2 Regulatory status监管状态


I.2.1 General概述


I.2.2 Pre-market clinical investigation上市前临床研究


I.2.3 Post-market clinical investigation上市后临床研究


I.3 Clinical development stages临床研究阶段


I.3.1 General概述


I.3.2 Pilot stage预试验阶段


I.3.3 Pivotal stage关键性阶段


I.3.4 Post-market stage上市后阶段


I.4 Type of clinical investigation design临床研究设计类型


I.4.1 General概述148


I.4.2 Exploratory clinical investigation探索性临床研究


I.4.3 Confirmatory clinical investigation验证性临床研究


I.4.4 Observational clinical investigation观察性研究


I.5 Descriptors of clinical investigations临床研究名词解释


I.5.1 General概述


I.5.2 First in human clinical investigation人类首次临床研究


I.5.3 Early feasibility clinical investigation早期可行性临床研究


I.5.4 Traditional feasibility clinical investigation传统的可行性临床研究


I.5.5 Pivotal clinical investigation关键性临床研究


I.5.6 Registry注册研究


I.6 Burden to subjects受试者负担


I.6.1 General概述


I.6.2 Interventional clinical investigation干预性临床研究


I.6.3 Non-interventional clinical investigation非干预性临床研究


I.7 Applicability of this document’s principles本文件原则的适用性


Annex J Clinical investigation audits 附件J 临床研究稽查


J.1 General概述


J.2 Sponsor申办者


J.3 Investigation site研究中心




7.Clinical investigation conduct临床研究实施




The clinical investigation shall be conducted in accordance with the CIP.




The clinical investigation shall not commence until written approval/favourable opinion from the EC and, if required, the relevant regulatory authority of the countries where the clinical investigation is taking place has been received.




The sponsor shall ensure ongoing risk management throughout the clinical investigation taking into consideration all aspects related to the investigational device, clinical procedures required by the CIP, and the investigation process (see 6.2 and 7.4.4).




7.2.Investigation site initiation研究中心启动


An initiation visit for each participating investigation site or, alternatively, an investigator meeting shall be conducted and documented by the sponsor or monitor at the beginning of the clinical investigation (see A log shall be initiated identifying names, initials, signatures, functions, and designated authorisations for the principal investigator and members of the investigation site team.




NOTE:Depending on the type and complexity of the clinical investigation, and its associated risks, site initiation can be performed by a telephone call or other communication, as specified in the risk-based monitoring plan.




7.3.Investigation site monitoring研究中心监查


The conduct of the clinical investigation shall be monitored according to the monitoring plan (see 6.7 and 9.2.4).




The results of all monitoring activities (on-site [see] and centralized) shall be documented.




7.4.Adverse events and device deficiencies不良事件和器械缺陷


7.4.1. Signals requiring immediate action需要立即采取行动的信号


Signals from adverse events or device deficiencies that might indicate a serious health threat can be detected by either the sponsor or principal investigator but are evaluated by the sponsor.




Any occurrence of a serious health threat can require a specific reporting process according to regulatory requirements as specified in 9.2.5.




7.4.2. Adverse events不良事件


All adverse events and any new information concerning these events shall be documented in a timely manner throughout the clinical investigation and shall be reported as specified in 9.2.5 and 10.8 (for adverse event categorization, see Annex F).




NOTE 1 This includes adverse events identified in the CIP as critical to the evaluation of the results of the clinical investigation.




NOTE 2 Adverse events associated with users or other persons can be documented separate from adverse events associated with the subject, taking into account the data privacy regulations (see 7.7).


注2:考虑到数据隐私法规,与用户或其他人的不良事件可以同与受试者相关的不良事件分开记录(参见 7.7).


NOTE 3 Certain national regulations can apply to reporting of adverse events during post-market clinical investigations.




All adverse events shall be reported in an interim or final report of the clinical investigation.




7.4.3. Device deficiencies器械缺陷


All device deficiencies of an investigational device shall be documented throughout the clinical investigation and managed by the sponsor in accordance with written procedures for the control of a non-conforming product. The sponsor shall take, where applicable, appropriate corrective and preventive actions to protect the safety of subjects, users, and other persons. Device deficiencies of the comparator, if applicable, shall be documented.




The sponsor shall arrange for the safe return of the investigational device that is related to the device deficiency (see 7.9).




Device deficiencies that did not lead to an adverse event but could have led to a serious adverse device effect




a) if either suitable action had not been taken,




b) if intervention had not been made, or




c) if circumstances had been less fortunate,




shall be reported as specified in 9.2.5 and 10.8. Where applicable, the analysis of used or explanted investigational devices shall be included as supportive information.




7.4.4. Risk assessment process for potentially unacceptable risks对潜在不可接受风险的风险评估过程


Risks arising during the course of a clinical investigation shall be managed as follows (see Figure H.1).




a) Any person identifying an event or information that could have an impact on subjects’, users’ or other persons’ safety, has an obligation to inform the principal investigator and the sponsor of their concerns.




b) Risks are monitored against established risk acceptability thresholds.




c) When circumstances of concern have been recognized, a preliminary risk analysis shall be performed by the sponsor in consultation with the principal investigator and, if appropriate, other advisors. The preliminary risk analysis can lead to the following outcomes.




1) The new information is adequately reflected in the existing risk assessment and the individual and overall residual risks to subjects, users, or other persons remain acceptable. The sponsor shall ensure that a rationale for this is recorded in the clinical investigation documentation.




2) Where possible, unacceptable risk or serious health threat has been identified, the sponsor shall suspend the clinical investigation immediately and the preliminary risk analysis shall be documented and notified to the interested parties as required in 8.2.1, while further investigation is conducted.




d) Where a preliminary risk analysis has resulted in the recognition of the possibility of an unacceptable risk, the sponsor shall make appropriate arrangements for a comprehensive risk assessment in compliance with ISO 14971. Where appropriate, a DMC or expert advisors should provide input into or conduct the risk assessment (see 8.2.1).


如果初步风险分析确认可能存在不可接受的风险,申办者应根据ISO 14971进行全面风险评估。在适当的情况下,数据监查委员会或专家顾问应对风险评估进行分析或评估(见 8.2.1).


e) The comprehensive risk assessment can lead to the following outcomes.




1) The new information is adequately reflected in the existing risk assessment and individual and overall residual risks to subjects, users or other persons remain acceptable. The sponsor shall ensure that a rationale for this is recorded in the clinical investigation documentation and necessary activities are performed before resuming the clinical investigation (see 8.2.2).


新的信息充分反映在现有的风险评估中,对受试者、使用者或其他人的个人和群体剩余风险仍可接受。申办者应确保记录在临床研究文件中的合理性,并在恢复临床研究前进行必要的动作(见 8.2.2).


2) Corrective actions can be applied, including the following options:




f) if the corrective actions do not affect the validity of the clinical investigation, the sponsor shall revise the benefit-risk analysis to justify continuation of the clinical investigation; perform necessary activities before resuming the clinical investigation (see 8.2.2); see Figure H.1 for impact on clinical investigation documents;


如果纠正措施不影响临床研究的有效性,申办者重新审视受益-风险分析,以证明继续进行临床研究的合理性;在恢复临床研究前进行必要的活动(见 8.2.2);对临床研究文件的影响见图H.1。


g) if the corrective actions affect the validity of the clinical investigation, the clinical investigation shall be terminated.




1) If corrective actions cannot be applied, the clinical investigation shall be terminated.




7.5.Clinical investigation documents and documentation临床研究文件和文档


7.5.1. Amendments修订


The IB, CIP, CRFs, informed consent form and other subject information, or other clinical investigation documents such as instructions for use shall be amended as needed throughout the clinical investigation in accordance with written procedures for the control of documents and document changes.




Documentation of changes shall include a description of the changes, justification of the changes and their potential impact on the performance, effectiveness, safety or other endpoints, and identification of the affected documents.




Proposed amendments to the CIP shall be reviewed and approved by the same parties as specified in 6.4, unless specifically designated otherwise. The amendments to the CIP and the subject's informed consent form shall be notified to, or approved by, the EC and regulatory authorities, if required (see 5.6.4). The version number and date of amendments shall be documented.




If the amendment impacts the integrity of the clinical investigation, the data collected before and after the amendment shall be analysed statistically to assess the effect of the amendment on performance, effectiveness or safety analysis. This analysis shall be included in the clinical investigation report.




7.5.2. Subject identification log受试者识别代码


Each investigation site shall maintain a log of all the subjects enrolled in the clinical investigation, assigning an identification code linked to their names, alternative subject identification or contact information.




NOTE Depending on the clinical investigation design, a log can be maintained at the investigation site that identifies everyone who has been pre-screened for potential enrolment in the clinical investigation.




7.5.3. Source documents源文件


Source documents shall be created and maintained by the investigation site team throughout the clinical investigation. The type and location of these source documents shall be documented.




7.6.Additional members of the investigation site team研究中心小组的额外成员


New members of the investigation site team may be added from time to time at new or existing sites. New personnel should only start their assignment after receiving adequate training in the clinical investigation requirements and this training shall be documented. The names, initials, signatures, functions, and designated authorisations of new personnel shall be documented.




NOTE  EC approval of new members of the investigation site team can be required before commencement of their responsibilities, in addition to internal site documentation of these responsibilities and new member training.




7.7.Subject privacy and confidentiality of data受试者隐私和数据保密


Confidentiality of data shall be observed by all parties involved at all times throughout the clinical investigation. All data shall be secured against unauthorized access.




The privacy of each subject and confidentiality of his/her information shall be preserved in reports and when publishing any data.




The principal investigator or investigation site shall provide direct access to source data during and after the clinical investigation for monitoring, audits, EC review and regulatory authority inspections. As required, the principal investigator or investigation site shall obtain permission for direct access to source documents from the subject, hospital administration and regulatory authorities before starting the clinical investigation.




7.8.Document and data control文件和数据控制


7.8.1. Traceability of documents and data文件和数据的可追溯性


All documents and data shall be produced and maintained in a way that ensures reliability, integrity, control and traceability. All documents, and subsequent versions, related to a clinical investigation shall be identifiable, traceable and appropriately stored to provide a complete history of the clinical investigation. Where relevant, the accuracy of translations shall be guaranteed and documented.




The investigator shall ensure the accuracy, attribution, completeness, legibility and timeliness of the data reported to the sponsor on the CRFs and in all required reports. All copies of the retained original source documents shall be certified, as indicated by a dated signature by a member of the investigation site team unless generated through a validated process. Special requirements should be applied to the capture, review and retention of electronic source data, to ensure reliability, quality, integrity and traceability (see Reference [12]).


研究者应确保在病例报告表和所有需要报告给申办者的数据的准确性、属性、完整性、可读性和及时性。所有保留的原始源文件的副本都应经过认证,并由研究中心小组成员的签名注明日期,除非是通过经验证的流程生成。对电子源数据的获取、审查和存档应有特殊要求,以确保可靠性、质量、完整性和可追溯性(见参考文献 [12])。


If assignment to a treatment group is blinded/masked in any way, it shall be safeguarded throughout the clinical investigation, including data entry and processing. Written procedures for decoding blinded/ masked clinical investigations shall be followed.




7.8.2. Recording of data数据记录


The data reported on the CRFs shall be derived from source documents and be consistent with these source documents, and any discrepancies shall be explained in writing. The CIP shall specify which data can be recorded directly in the CRFs.




NOTE 1 The acceptance of direct entry of source data in the CRF can be subject to a hospital’s specific documentation requirements.




NOTE 2 Data that can be directly recorded in the CRFs can also be documented in the monitoring plan.




The CRFs shall be signed and dated by the principal investigator or his/her authorized designee(s). Any change or correction to data reported on a CRF shall be dated, initialled and explained if necessary, and shall not obscure the original entry (i.e. an audit trail shall be maintained); this applies to both written and electronic changes or corrections.




The sponsor shall:



a) provide guidance to the principal investigators or his/her authorized designee on making such corrections; the sponsor shall have written procedures to ensure that changes or corrections in CRFs are documented, are necessary, are legible and traceable, and are endorsed by the principal investigator or his/her authorized designee; records of the changes and corrections shall be maintained,




b) ensure that it is possible to compare the original data and observations with the processed data, if data are transformed during processing;




c) use an unambiguous subject identification code that allows identification of all the data reported for each subject. The link between the code and each subject shall be retained by the principal investigator in a secure location.




7.8.3. Electronic clinical data systems临床电子数据系统


Validation of electronic clinical data systems is necessary in order to evaluate the authenticity, accuracy, reliability, and consistent intended performance of the data system from design until decommissioning of the system or transition to a new system.




These requirements are applicable to any electronic records as defined in 3.21, including electronic CRFs, electronic systems used for entering and processing data from paper CRFs received from sites and other electronic systems required in the clinical investigation.




When electronic clinical databases or electronic clinical data systems are used, written procedures shall be implemented to




a) describe system validation and functionality testing, data collection and handling, system maintenance, system security measures, change control, data backup, recovery, contingency planning, and decommissioning,




b) establish and document requirements for the electronic clinical data system to receive and process data,




c) verify and validate that the requirements for the electronic clinical data system can be consistently met,




d) ensure attributability, completeness, reliability, consistency, and logic of the data entered,




e) ensure accuracy of reports,




f) ensure that data changes are documented and that there is no deletion of entered data, i.e. maintain an audit trail, data trail and edit trail,




NOTE:National regulations on data protection can require deletion.




g) maintain a security system that prevents unauthorized access to the data, both internally and externally,




h) maintain a list of individuals who have access to the electronic data system as well as the dates of access, privileges granted to each user and removal of access,




i) ensure the accuracy and completeness of the data reported to the sponsor in the CRFs by implementing a signature by the principal investigator or authorized designee,




j) maintain adequate backup, retention and retrievability of the data,




k) train users on the use of the system, and




l) safeguard the blinding, if any (e.g. maintain blinding during data entry, and processing).




7.9.Investigational device accountability研究器械管理


Access to investigational devices shall be controlled and the investigational devices shall be used only in the clinical investigation and according to the CIP.




The sponsor shall keep records to document the physical location of all investigational devices from shipment of investigational devices to the investigation sites until return or disposal. The sponsor shall have instructions in place and make packaging materials available, if applicable, for the safe return or disposal of investigational devices, including potentially hazardous devices. The principal investigator or an authorized designee shall keep records documenting the following:




a) name(s) of person(s) who received, used, returned, or disposed of the device;




b) the date of receipt, identification, and quantity of each investigational device (batch number/serial number or unique code);




c) the expiry date, if applicable;




d) the date or dates of use;




e) subject identification;




f) date on which the investigational device was returned/explanted from subject, if applicable;




g) the date of return of unused, expired, or malfunctioning investigational devices, if applicable;




h) the date and documentation of disposal of the investigational devices as per instructions of the sponsor, if applicable.




Written procedures shall be established for the entire process of device accountability.




7.10.Accounting for subjects受试者审查


All subjects enrolled in the clinical investigation (including those withdrawn from the clinical investigation or lost to follow-up) shall be accounted for and documented.




If a subject discontinues participation in the clinical investigation, the reason(s) shall be recorded. The investigator can use existing data and ask for the subject's permission to collect follow-up data about his/her status/condition including information about device clinical performance, effectiveness or safety. If permission is obtained, the relevant data shall be included in the clinical investigation report.




NOTE:The collection of follow-up data from discontinued subjects can be subject to national regulations.






Audits of the clinical investigation may be conducted to evaluate compliance with the CIP, written procedures, this document and the applicable regulatory requirements (see Annex J). These audits may cover all involved parties, systems, processes, and facilities, and are independent of, and separate from quality control functions or routine monitoring.




An audit can be used




a) as a routine part of the sponsor's quality assurance,




b) to assess the effectiveness of the monitoring activity,




c) whenever there are serious or repeated CIP deviations or suspicion of fraud,




d) to bring an investigation site into “inspection readiness” (i.e. to prepare the investigation site for a potential regulatory inspection),




e) when requested or suggested by a regulatory authority.




The auditors shall be qualified by training and experience to conduct audits and shall be independent of the clinical investigation.




The auditing of clinical investigation systems and processes shall be conducted in accordance with written procedures or specific plan on what to audit, how to audit, the frequency of audits, and the form and content of audit reports and audit certificates.




The audit plan or procedures for a clinical investigation audit shall be guided by the importance of the clinical investigation, the number of subjects in the clinical investigation, the type and complexity of the clinical investigation, the level of risk to the subjects and any identified problem(s).




The audit results shall be documented and communicated to relevant parties. If applicable, an audit certificate shall be kept in the sponsor files.




8.Suspension, termination, and close-out of the clinical investigation暂停、终止和结束临床研究


8.1.Completion of the clinical investigation完成临床试验


The completion of a clinical investigation shall be deemed to coincide with the last visit of the last subject and when follow-up is complete for the clinical investigation, whether the clinical investigation concluded according to the pre-specified clinical investigation plan or was terminated prematurely, unless another point in time for such end is set out in the clinical investigation plan.




NOTE Completion of a clinical investigation can also be referred to as the end of a clinical investigation.




8.2.Suspension or premature termination of the clinical investigation暂停或提前终止临床研究


8.2.1. Procedure for suspension or premature termination暂停或提前终止的程序


The sponsor may suspend or prematurely terminate either a clinical investigation at an individual investigation site or the entire clinical investigation for significant and documented reasons, such as when recommended by the DMC.




A principal investigator, EC, or regulatory authority may suspend or prematurely terminate participation in a clinical investigation at the investigation sites for which they are responsible.




If suspicion of an unacceptable risk, including serious health threat to subjects, arises during the clinical investigation, or when so instructed by the EC or regulatory authorities, the sponsor shall suspend the clinical investigation while the risk is assessed. The sponsor shall terminate the clinical investigation if an unacceptable risk which cannot be controlled is confirmed (see 7.4.4 and Figure H.1).




The sponsor shall consider terminating or suspending the participation of a particular investigation site or investigator in the clinical investigation if monitoring or auditing identifies serious or repeated deviations on the part of an investigator.




If suspension or premature termination occurs, the terminating party shall justify its decision in writing and promptly inform the other parties with whom they are in direct communication.




NOTE 1 The usual lines of communication are sponsor <-> principal investigator or sponsor <-> EC and sponsor <-> regulatory authority.




The principal investigator and sponsor shall keep each other informed of any communication received from either the EC or the regulatory authority.




If, for any reason, the sponsor suspends or prematurely terminates the investigation at an individual investigation site, the sponsor shall inform the responsible regulatory authority as appropriate and ensure that the EC is notified, either by the principal investigator or by the sponsor. If the suspension or premature termination was in the interest of safety (see 7.4.4 and Figure H.1) the sponsor shall inform all other principal investigators.




If suspension or premature termination occurs,




a) the sponsor shall remain responsible for providing resources to fulfil the obligations for following up the subjects enrolled in the clinical investigation, and




b) the principal investigator or authorized designee shall promptly inform the enrolled subjects at his/her investigation site, if appropriate.




NOTE 2 The method and the timing of this communication depends on the circumstances, the perceived risks, and national regulations.




All activities listed in 8.3 shall also be conducted.




8.2.2. Procedure for resuming the clinical investigation after temporary suspension恢复暂停后的临床研究程序


When the sponsor concludes an analysis of the reason(s) for the suspension, implements the necessary corrective actions, and decides to lift the temporary suspension, the sponsor shall inform the principal investigators, the ECs, and, where appropriate, the regulatory authority of the rationale and provide them with the relevant data supporting this decision.




NOTE The usual lines of communication are sponsor <-> principal investigator or sponsor <-> EC and sponsor <-> regulatory authority.




Concurrence shall be obtained from the ECs and, where appropriate, regulatory authorities before the clinical investigation resumes.




If subjects have been informed of the suspension, the principal investigator, or authorized designee shall inform them of the reasons for resumption.




8.3.Routine close-out常规关中心


Routine close-out activities shall be conducted to ensure that the principal investigator's records are complete, all documents needed for the sponsor's files are retrieved, remaining clinical investigation materials are disposed of, previously identified issues have been resolved, and all parties are notified.




a) Completing the records includes ensuring that




1) all essential documents are complete and up to date,




2) all CRFs are completed,




3) all outstanding queries are resolved,




4) the current status of all ongoing adverse events is documented,




5) arrangements are made for archiving and record retention, and




6) documenting disposition of any:




i) investigational devices;




ii) remaining samples (e.g. blood or tissue);




iii) other clinical investigation materials.




b) Notification includes:




1) notification to EC;




2) notification to regulatory authorities, if required;




NOTE:Certain national regulations can also require this to be done within specific timelines.




3) notification of clinical investigation completion in publicly accessible database (see 5.4).


在公开访问的数据库中通报临床研究完成(见 5.4).


8.4.Clinical investigation report临床研究报告


After close-out of the clinical investigation, a report of the clinical investigation shall be completed, even if the clinical investigation was terminated prematurely. The clinical investigation report shall include the information specified in Annex D.




NOTE 1:National regulations can apply to the requirements of the clinical investigation report completion and reporting.




a) The clinical investigation report shall be in written form.




b) The clinical investigation report shall include identification of the device(s), a description of the methodology and design of the clinical investigation, any deviations from the CIP, data analysis together with any statistics, and a critical appraisal of the results compared to the objectives of the clinical investigation.




c) The results reported in the clinical investigation report shall be derived from data reported on the CRFs and other applicable data capture methods in a repeatable and traceable manner. Records shall be kept demonstrating this.




d) The clinical investigation report shall take into account the data from each investigation site and for all subjects. No subject shall be identifiable either from the clinical investigation report or the published results.




e) The clinical investigation report shall be made available to the coordinating investigator where applicable, and all principal investigators for review and comment. The sponsor shall maintain records confirming that the clinical investigation report has been provided for review. If a reviewer does not agree with all or part of the clinical investigation report, his/her comments shall be recorded and communicated to the other principal investigators.




f) The sponsor and coordinating investigator shall be asked to provide their signatures, indicating their agreement with the content of the clinical investigation report. If no coordinating investigator is appointed, the signature of the principal investigator(s) shall be obtained.




g) The clinical investigation report shall be provided to the EC(s) and regulatory authorities.




h) The results of the clinical investigation shall be entered in a publicly accessible database where the clinical investigation was registered (see 5.4) and published whether positive, inconclusive or negative, to help guide future research, device development and medical treatment.


临床研究的结果应录入临床研究所登记的公开数据库(见 5.4)并发表了一些文章,无论是正向的、不确定的、还是反向的,以帮助指导未来的研究、器械开发和医学治疗。


NOTE 2:Further guidance on the content of the clinical investigation report is given in Annex D.




8.5.Risk assessment and conclusions风险评估和结论


A formal review of risk information should be carried out upon completion of the clinical investigation (see D.8) and fed into the risk analysis and clinical evaluation with an update of the benefit-risk conclusions in both documents.




8.6.Document retention文件保存


The sponsor and principal investigator shall maintain the clinical investigation documents. They shall take measures to prevent accidental or premature destruction of these documents. The principal investigator or sponsor may transfer custody of records to another person/party and document the transfer at the investigation site or at the sponsor's facility.




NOTE A list of essential clinical investigation documents to be maintained in sponsor and investigation site files is given in Annex E.




Clinical investigation documents, including but not limited to CIP, IB, CRF and clinical investigation report(s) should be incorporated into the device technical documentation under the quality management system of the manufacturer. For sponsor-investigator initiated clinical investigations, this should be applied to the extent possible.




9.Responsibilities of the sponsor申办者的职责


9.1.Clinical quality management临床质量管理


Quality management principles shall apply to the processes of the clinical investigation to ensure that the clinical investigation is designed, conducted, and monitored, and that data are generated, documented, recorded, evaluated, and reported in compliance with this document, the CIP, any subsequent amendment(s), and any other applicable standards and in accordance with regulatory requirements. The sponsor shall




a) implement and maintain written clinical quality procedures,




b) maintain records to document the compliance of all parties involved in the clinical investigation,




c) ensure that the auditing requirements of 7.11 are met, if applicable, and




d) justify and document significant exceptions to the requirements of this document (see Annex I for examples of exemptions).




Clinical quality procedures can be integrated in the applicable sections of the sponsor's overall quality system.




NOTE:For further information, see ISO 13485 or equivalent regulatory requirements.


注:有关更多信息,请参见ISO 13485或同等的法规要求。


9.2.Clinical investigation planning and conduct临床研究的计划和实施


9.2.1. Selection and training of clinical personnel临床工作人员的选择和培训


Prior to commencement of the clinical investigation, the sponsor shall




a) define, establish, and allocate all the roles and responsibilities related to the clinical investigation in one or more written agreements, as defined in 6.9,




b) select a local representative if the sponsor is not resident in the country (countries) in which the clinical investigation is to be carried out, who acts as the sponsor fulfilling responsibilities of the sponsor in that country (those countries),




NOTE:National or regional regulations can apply to the requirements of local representative selection.




c) select appropriately qualified principal investigators, as outlined in 6.8 and 10.2,




d) select a coordinating investigator, if appropriate, as in the case of a multicentre investigation,




e) receive disclosures of conflict of interest from principal investigators and investigators,




f) ensure the members of the investigation site team and their designated authorization(s) are identified in a log with details, as defined in 7.2,




g) designate or appoint one or more monitors, who are independent from the investigation site(s), or otherwise assume the responsibilities of the monitor(s),




h) ensure documentation and verification of training, experience, and scientific or clinical knowledge for all the relevant parties involved in order to adequately conduct the clinical investigation, including training, on




1) the use of the investigational device(s) and where relevant the comparator,




2) device accountability procedures (see 7.9),




3) IB,




4) CIP,




5) CRFs,




6) the written informed consent form and process as well as other written information provided to subjects, and




7) sponsor's written procedures, this document and applicable regulatory requirements;




i) ensure that, in multicentre investigations, all investigators and all other parties involved are given instructions on uniformly assessing and documenting clinical and laboratory findings,




j) ensure that any clinical investigation-related activities involving potential contact with subjects and sponsor representative(s) at the investigation site(s) are described in the CIP and the informed consent form, and that these activities occur in such a way that they do not bias the data integrity,




NOTE:Individuals such as monitors, field engineers, or product specialists, who provide technical expertise in the implementation of the clinical investigation, are examples of sponsor representatives.




k) consider the need for a DMC and, if appropriate, establish the committee.




9.2.2. Preparation of documents and materials文件和物资准备


Prior to commencement of the clinical investigation, the sponsor shall




a) prepare the documents, as described in Clauses 5, 6, and 7, and ensure they are approved by the relevant persons by dated signature; if required, copies shall be provided to all parties involved, and dated signatures obtained as appropriate,




b) ensure the accuracy of the translation, where relevant,




c) ensure that a supply of investigational devices, as characterized in 7.9, is available in a timely manner for the clinical investigation; investigational devices shall not be made available to the principal investigator until all requirements to start the clinical investigation are met,




d) establish a procedure assuring device accountability, which enables the immediate identification and where necessary, the recall of devices used in the clinical investigation,




e) provide insurance covering the cost of treatment of subjects in the event of clinical investigation- related injuries, if applicable,




NOTE:Certain national or local regulations can apply.




f) document any financial arrangements between the principal investigator or the investigation site and the sponsor,




g) submit any required application(s) to begin the clinical investigation in a given country to the appropriate regulatory authority (authorities) for review, acceptance or permission,




h) ensure that EC's approval/favourable opinion is obtained and documented, and that appropriate provisions are made to meet any conditions imposed by the EC,




i) ensure that any modification(s) required by the EC or regulatory authority are made and documented by the principal investigator and have gained the approval/favourable opinion of the EC or regulatory authority,




j) register the information of the clinical investigation in a publicly accessible database prior to recruitment of the first subject (see 5.4).




9.2.3. Conduct of clinical investigation临床研究实施


The sponsor shall be responsible for




a) accountability of investigational devices throughout the clinical investigation,




b) documenting correspondence with all parties involved in the clinical investigation, including ECs and regulatory authorities,




c) ensuring that the clinical investigation is appropriately monitored by determining the extent and nature of monitoring, including the strategy for source data verification, based on considerations such as the objective, design, complexity, size, critical data points and endpoints of the clinical investigation,




d) ensuring that risk management activities are performed and documented (see 6.2 and 7.1),




e) reviewing the monitoring report(s) and following up any action(s) required in the monitoring report(s) (see,




f) taking prompt action to secure compliance with all clinical investigation requirements,




g) performing and documenting root cause analysis and implementation of appropriate corrective and preventive action if noncompliance significantly affects or has the potential to significantly affect subject protection or reliability of clinical investigation results,




h) submitting progress reports after the data integrity is confirmed, including safety summary and deviations, when requested, to all reviewing ECs and the regulatory authorities.




9.2.4. Monitoring监查 General概述


Monitoring shall be conducted according to the monitoring plan (see 6.7).




The purpose of clinical investigation monitoring is to verify that




a) the rights, safety, and well-being of the human subjects are protected,




b) the reported data are accurate, complete, and verifiable from source documents, and




c) the conduct of the clinical investigation complies with the approved CIP, subsequent amendment(s), this document, and the applicable regulatory requirement(s) and applicable requirements of the EC.


临床研究的进行符合批准的研究方案、后续修订、本文件、适用的监管要求、适用的伦理委员会要求。 Qualifications of the monitor监查员的资质


Monitors shall be




a) qualified in the field of this document through training and experience as well as scientific or clinical knowledge,




b) knowledgeable on the use of the investigational device(s) and relevant requirements, CIP, and informed consent process (see 5.8),




c) trained on the sponsor's clinical quality management procedures relevant to monitoring activities as well as any special procedures for monitoring a specific clinical investigation.




Training shall be documented in the sponsor's files.


培训应记录在申办者的文件中。 Assessment of the investigation site对研究中心评估


The monitor shall assess each investigation site to verify that the principal investigator has




a) adequate qualifications,




b) adequate resources, including facilities, laboratories, equipment, and a qualified investigation site team,




c) access to an adequate number of subjects.


评估是否有足够的受试者数量。 Initiation of the investigation site研究中心启动


The monitor shall initiate each investigation site in accordance with the monitoring plan to ensure that the principal investigator and investigation site team




a) have received and understood the requirements and contents of




1) the CIP,




2) the IB,




3) the informed consent form,




4) the CRFs,




5) the instructions for use,




6) any written clinical investigation agreements, as appropriate,




b) have access to an adequate number of investigational devices,




c) have been trained in the use of the investigational device,




d) are familiar with the responsibilities of the principal investigator, as described in Clause 10.


熟悉主要研究者的职责,如第10章节所述。 Routine monitoring visits常规监查访视


The monitor shall perform routine monitoring activities to verify that




a) compliance with the CIP, any subsequent amendment(s), this document and regulatory requirements is maintained; deviations shall be discussed with the principal investigator(s) or authorized designee, documented and reported to the sponsor,




b) only authorized members of the investigation site team, as described in 9.2.1 f), are participating in the clinical investigation,


只有9.2.1 f)所述的授权成员参与临床研究,


c) the investigational device and, where applicable, the comparator are used according to the CIP, IB or instructions for use and that, where modifications are required to the device, its method of use, or the CIP, these are reported to the sponsor,




d) investigation site resources, including laboratories, equipment and the investigation site team, remain adequate throughout the duration of the clinical investigation,




e) the principal investigator continues to have access to an adequate number of subjects and investigational devices,




f) signed and dated informed consent forms have been obtained from each subject or their legally designated representative before any clinical investigation-related procedures are undertaken,




g) source documents including the documentation of type and location, and other clinical investigation records are accurate, complete, up to date, stored, and maintained appropriately,




h) CRFs and queries are complete, recorded in a timely manner, and consistent with source documents, and are consistent with the requirements in the CIP,




i) appropriate corrections, additions or deletions are made to the CRFs, dated, explained if necessary and initialled by the principal investigator or by his/her authorized designee; the monitor shall not make corrections, additions, or deletions to the CRFs,




j) visits that the subjects fail to make, tests not conducted, or examinations not performed, as well as subjects withdrawn (including reason if available) are appropriately reported on the CRFs,




k) all adverse events and device deficiencies are reported to the sponsor, and all serious adverse events and device deficiencies that could have led to a serious adverse device effect are reported to the sponsor without unjustified delay,




l) serious adverse events and device deficiencies that could have led to a serious adverse device effect are reported to the EC and the regulatory authority, as required,




m) deviations (see 5.6.4 b)) are reported to the EC and can also be reported to the regulatory authority,




NOTE:National regulations can also apply.




n) the storage and investigational device accountability are correct, and the traceability process is being followed and documented in the investigator’s files,




o) all required reports, notifications, applications, submissions and correspondence are maintained in the investigator's files and are accurate, complete, timely, legible, dated and identify the clinical investigation,




p) maintenance and calibration of the equipment relevant to the assessment of the clinical investigation is appropriately performed and documented, where applicable,




q) current laboratory normal values, laboratory certifications, accreditations, or other validations are present in the investigator's file, if required,




r) subject withdrawal has been documented; the monitor shall discuss this with the principal investigator or his/her authorized designee,




s) subject non-compliance with the requirements stated in the informed consent has been documented; the monitor shall discuss this with the principal investigator or his/her authorized designee,




t) the principal investigator and investigation site team are informed and knowledgeable of all relevant document updates concerning the clinical investigation,




u) any corrective and preventive actions, as needed, have been implemented and are effective.


如需要,任何纠正和预防措施都已得到有效的实施。 Close-out activities关中心活动


The monitor shall perform close-out activities as described in Clause 8.


监查员应执行第8章节中所述的关中心活动。 Monitoring reports监查报告


Results of monitoring activities should be documented in sufficient detail to allow verification of compliance with the monitoring plan (see 6.7).




All monitoring activities shall be documented and reported to the sponsor [see also 9.2.3 c)] and shall include


所有监查活动应记录并报告给申办者[参见9.2.3 c)]并应包括


a) the date, investigation site identification, name of the monitor and name of the principal investigator or other individuals contacted,




b) a summary of what the monitor reviewed and his/her observation(s) regarding the completion of previous action items, significant findings, facts, deviations, conclusions, and recommended actions to be taken to secure compliance.




A copy of the monitoring report or a summary of key findings shall be shared with the principal investigator in writing.




NOTE:The above requirements can also apply to clinical investigation-related communication(s) depending on sponsor procedures or national regulations.




9.2.5. Safety evaluation and reporting安全评估和报告


The sponsor is responsible for the classification of adverse events and ongoing safety evaluation of the clinical investigation and shall




a) review the investigator's assessment of all adverse events and determine and document in writing their seriousness and relationship to the investigational device and procedures required by the CIP; in case of disagreement between the sponsor and the principal investigator(s), the sponsor shall communicate both opinions to concerned parties, as defined in c), d), and e) given below,




NOTE 1 Classification of adverse events and safety evaluation can be performed by an independent Clinical Events Committee (CEC) to mitigate the potential for bias and financial conflict.




b) review all device deficiencies and determine and document in writing whether they could have led to a serious adverse device effect; in case of disagreement between the sponsor and the principal investigator(s), the sponsor shall communicate both opinions to concerned parties, as defined in c), d), and e) given below,




c) report or ensure the reporting, to the EC by the principal investigator(s), of all serious adverse events and device deficiencies that could have led to a serious adverse device effect, if required by the CIP or by the EC,




NOTE 2 Certain national regulations can also apply.




d) report to regulatory authorities, within the required time period, all serious adverse events and device deficiencies that could have led to a serious adverse device effect, including serious health threat, if required by the CIP,




NOTE 3 Certain national regulations can also apply.




e) report all relevant safety information to the DMC, if established, according to written procedures, 




f) in the case of a multicentre clinical investigation, inform all principal investigators in writing of all the serious adverse events at all investigation sites that have been reported to the sponsor, and ensure that they are reported to their EC, if required by the CIP or by the EC, whichever is more stringent; this information shall be sent to all the principal investigators within a time frame established based on the perceived risk as defined in the risk assessment (analysis and evaluation),




NOTE 4:Certain national regulations can also apply.




g) ensure that the EC and the regulatory authorities are informed of significant new information about the clinical investigation,




h) in case of serious adverse device effects and device deficiencies that could have led to serious adverse device effects, determine whether the risk analysis needs to be updated and assess whether corrective or preventive action is required.




9.2.6. Clinical investigation close-out临床研究关闭


The sponsor shall




a) ensure all clinical investigation close-out activities are properly conducted as described in Clause 8,




b) perform a statistical analysis of the data,




c) produce a clinical investigation report and submit it for review, as described in 8.4,




d) ensure that the clinical investigation report, whether for a completed or prematurely terminated clinical investigation, is provided to the EC, participating investigators and regulatory authorities,




NOTE:National regulations can also apply.




e) update publicly accessible database with clinical investigation results, if applicable (see 5.4).




9.3.Outsourcing of duties and functions职责和职能的外包


The sponsor may transfer any or all of the duties and functions related to the clinical investigation, including monitoring, to an external organization (such as a CRO or individual contractor), but the ultimate responsibility for the quality and integrity of the clinical investigation conduct shall reside with the sponsor. The sponsor shall ensure oversight of any clinical investigation-related duties and functions.




The outsourcing of duties or functions to external organizations, including subcontractors of the sponsor’s CRO(s), shall be addressed by the sponsor in accordance with written procedures for the control of suppliers. The sponsor shall specify in writing any clinical investigation-related duty or function assumed by the external organization, retaining any clinical investigation-related duties and functions not specifically transferred to, and assumed by, the external organization. Records of transfer of duties and functions shall be maintained.




The sponsor shall be responsible for verifying the existence of and adherence to written procedures at the external organization.




All requirements in this document applying to a sponsor shall also apply to the external organization in as much as this organization assumes the clinical investigation-related duties and functions of the sponsor.




9.4.Communication with regulatory authorities与监管机构沟通


The sponsor shall, if required,




a) notify or obtain approval/non-objection from regulatory authorities in the country where the clinical investigation is conducted,




b) notify or obtain approval/non-objection from regulatory authorities in the country where the clinical investigation is conducted on any amendments of documents already reviewed by these authorities before these amendments are applied,




c) report on the progress and status of the clinical investigation,




d) perform safety reporting as specified in 9.2.5,




e) report any occurrence of withdrawing the investigational devices from the investigation site for reasons related to safety of the subject or investigational device clinical performance.




10.Responsibilities of the principal investigator主要研究者的职责




The role of the principal investigator is to implement, oversee the management of the day-to-day conduct of the clinical investigation as well as ensure data integrity and the rights, safety, and well- being of the subjects involved in the clinical investigation.




The principal investigator is responsible for ensuring adequate training and qualification of the investigation site team and for maintaining oversight of their activities. The principal investigator may delegate tasks to qualified members of the investigation site team but retains responsibility for the clinical investigation (see also 7.6). This also applies when activities are outsourced to an external organization by the principal investigator in which case he/she shall implement procedures to ensure the integrity of all tasks performed and any data generated by this external organization.




10.2.Qualification of the principal investigator主要研究者的资格


The principal investigator shall




a) be qualified by education, training, and experience to assume responsibility for the proper conduct of the clinical investigation in accordance with this document; evidence of such qualifications of the principal investigator shall be provided to the sponsor through up-to-date CVs or other relevant documentation,




NOTE:National regulations can also apply.




b) be experienced in the field of application and trained in the use of the investigational device under consideration,




c) disclose potential conflicts of interest, including financial, that can interfere with the conduct of the clinical investigation or interpretation of results, and




d) be knowledgeable with the method of obtaining informed consent.




10.3.Qualification of investigation site研究中心的资格


The principal investigator shall be able to demonstrate that the proposed investigation site




a) has the required number of eligible subjects needed within the agreed recruitment period,




b) has an investigation site team that is: qualified by education, training, and experience to assume responsibility for the prope conduct of the clinical investigation in accordance with this document; evidence of such qualifications for members of the investigation site team shall be documented through up-to-date CVs or other relevant documentation,




NOTE:National regulations can also apply.




c) has adequate facilities.




10.4.Communication with the EC与伦理委员会沟通


The principal investigator shall




a) provide the sponsor with copies of any clinical investigation-related communications between the principal investigator and the EC, comply with the requirements described in 5.6,




b) obtain the written and dated approval/favourable opinion of the EC for the clinical investigation, and ensure that regulatory authority approval is provided by the sponsor and communicated to the EC where required, before recruiting subjects and implementing all subsequent amendments, if required,




c) perform safety reporting as specified in 10.8 (for adverse event categorization, see Annex F),




d) promptly report any deviations from the CIP that affect the rights, safety or well-being of the subject or the scientific integrity of the clinical investigation, including those which occur under emergency circumstances, if required by the EC or the CIP,




NOTE:National regulations can also apply.




e) notify suspension, premature termination, or routine close-out of the clinical investigation as described in Clause 8.




In particular circumstances, the communication with the EC can be performed by the sponsor, partly or in full, in which case the sponsor shall keep the principal investigator informed.




10.5.Informed consent process知情同意过程


The principal investigator shall




a) comply with the requirements specified in 5.8,




b) ensure compliance with ethical principles for the process of obtaining informed consent, and




c) ensure and document appropriate training if an authorized designee is appointed to conduct the informed consent process.




NOTE:Regulatory requirements can apply.




10.6.Compliance with the CIP临床研究计划的依从性


The principal investigator shall




a) indicate his/her acceptance of the CIP in writing,




b) conduct the clinical investigation in compliance with the CIP,




c) create and maintain source documents throughout the clinical investigation and make them available as requested during monitoring visits or audits as well as maintain documentation of the type and location of these source documents,




d) ensure that the investigational device is used solely by authorized users as specified in 7.2, and in accordance with the CIP and instructions for use,




e) propose to the sponsor any appropriate modification(s) of the CIP or investigational device or of the use of the investigational device,




f) refrain from implementing any modifications to the CIP without agreement from the sponsor, EC and regulatory authorities, if required,




g) document and explain any deviation from the approved CIP that occurred during the course of the clinical investigation,




h) ensure that an adequate investigation site team and facilities exist and are maintained and documented during the clinical investigation,




i) ensure that maintenance and calibration of the equipment relevant for the assessment of the clinical investigation is appropriately performed and documented, where applicable,




j) ensure the accuracy, completeness, legibility and timeliness of the data reported to the sponsor in the CRFs and in all required reports,




k) maintain the device accountability records,




l) comply with the procedure for the safe return of investigational devices including potentially hazardous devices, and in case of reported device deficiencies, collaborate with the sponsor to provide the necessary information allowing an accurate analysis where appropriate,




m) allow and support the sponsor to perform monitoring and auditing activities,




n) be accessible to the monitor and respond to questions during monitoring visits,




o) determine the cause and implement appropriate corrective and preventive actions to address significant noncompliance,




p) allow and support regulatory authorities and the EC when performing auditing activities,




q) ensure that all clinical investigation-related records are retained as specified in 8.3,




r) sign the clinical investigation report, as specified in 8.4.




10.7.Medical care of subjects受试者的医疗保健


The principal investigator shall




a) provide adequate medical care to a subject during and after a subject's participation in a clinical investigation in the case of adverse events, as described in the informed consent,




b) inform the subject of the nature and possible cause of any adverse events experienced,




c) provide the subject with the necessary instructions on proper use, handling, storage and return of the investigational device, when it is used or operated by the subject,




d) inform the subject of any new significant findings occurring during the clinical investigation, including the need for additional medical care that can be required,




e) provide the subject with well-defined procedures for possible emergency situations related to the clinical investigation, and make the necessary arrangements for emergency treatment, including decoding procedures for blinded/masked clinical investigations, as needed,




f) ensure that clinical records are clearly marked to indicate that the subject is enrolled in a particular clinical investigation,




g) if appropriate, provide subjects enrolled in the clinical investigation with some means of showing their participation, together with identification and compliance information for concomitant treatment measures (contact address and telephone numbers shall be provided),




h) inform, with the subject's approval the subject's personal physician about the subject's participation in the clinical investigation,




NOTE:National regulations can apply.




i) make all reasonable efforts to ascertain the reason(s) for a subject's premature withdrawal from the clinical investigation while fully respecting the subject's rights.




10.8.Safety reporting安全性报告


The principal investigator shall




a) record every adverse event and observed device deficiency, together with an assessment (adverse event categorization, see Annex F),




b) report to the sponsor, without unjustified delay, all serious adverse events and device deficiencies that could have led to a serious adverse device effect; this information shall be promptly followed by detailed written reports, as specified in the CIP,




c) report to the EC serious adverse events and device deficiencies that could have led to a serious adverse device effect, if required by the CIP or by the EC,




NOTE 1:National regulations can also apply.




d) report to regulatory authorities serious adverse events and device deficiencies that could have led to a serious adverse device effect,




NOTE 2:National regulations can apply.




e) supply the sponsor, upon sponsor's request, with any additional information related to the safety reporting of a particular event.




