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The inspection is carried out in the front office and prepared in the backoffice. The preparation room is used to train and instruct staff. Thisinteraction guarantees excellent communication and a strong sense of being partof a team. An inspection is a team sport and each team member gives 100% sothat goals can be scored in the front office.
Front office
The front office is the inspection room where the inspectors stay duringthe inspection and are looked after by the staff of the company undergoinginspection. The room is sometimes referred to as the „war room“. However, aninspection must not escalate into a "war", so it is better to speakof an "inspection room".
These are the front office roles:
Responsible inspection lead
Minute taker
Subject matter experts (SMEs)
Communication with the back office is important for the work carried outin the front office. This is ensured by the runner, but even more so throughtechnical support. Technical support is used to make sure that the team membersin the back office know exactly what is happening in the front office.
Back office
The back office is a room that should be directly beside the inspectionroom. The back office is generally larger with adequate shelf space fordocuments that are prepared for the inspection. Each document that is moved tothe front office is checked in the back office beforehand. The back office istherefore the mainstay of every GMP-inspection. The size of the back officeteam depends on the complexity of the inspection and the number of inspectors.For simple inspections, sometimes you don't need a back office at all.
The following roles in the back office must be assigned:
Back office management
SMEs back office
The back office provides answers to the questions that arise in the frontoffice. It is therefore necessary that the experts located in the back officeare extremely familiar with quality issues. The work includes:
Researching documents
Providing documents
Examining and checking documents
Laying out documents in readiness
Important QA, QC and QM documents are normally brought to the back officedays before the inspection begins. As a result, they can be quickly retrievedduring the inspection. Access to the IT systems of the departments responsiblefor quality is also provided in the back office. Experienced Inspectors areaware of the support provided by the back office and often visit it after theconcluding discussion to thank personnel there for their support.
The back office team must prepare itself properly to ensure it can supportthe front office during the inspection. It should clarify its responsibilitiesin advance, because this is generally not possible during the hectic day-to-daybusiness of the inspection and dozens of queries from the front office. Thesituation outlined in Figure 21.D-11 and Figure 21.D-12 is characteristic of aninspection, and personnel in the back office must know who is responsible forwhich tasks. If the workflow and responsibilities in the backoffice are properly regulated, this will be reflected in the smooth flow ofinformation during the inspection.
Figure 21.D-11 Interaction between front and back office, © Thomas Peither
图 21.D-11前台与后台的互动
Figure 21.D-12 Example for the interaction between front and back office
Preparation room
The preparation room is a waiting room located between the back office andthe front office. Technical experts prepare themselves in this room and can begiven some final pointers before their "entrance".
The preparation room has a number of different functions:
Technical experts can prepare themselves in the quiet atmosphere (the back office is often extremely hectic).
Technical experts are prepared for the situation in the front office. How is the atmosphere? Which behaviours have been positively received? What should be avoided?
The support in the preparation room should be left to team members with the inner quiet required. In this way, the experts can be relieved of their last-minute nerves so they can concentrate on the job at hand.
Communication platform access should also be available in the preparation room so that the communication between the front and back-office can be followed.
The experiences of the technical experts also are collected in thepreparation room after their presentations in the front office. In this way,the preparation room is used as a coaching room to prepare the experts for theatmosphere in the front room.
The preparation room is not mandatory, but it is a good place to escapethe partly hectic atmosphere in the back office before entering the frontoffice.